What Are Top 5 Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin?

Bitcoin has as well as the crypto world for as a result long, and for that defense dominantly that the terms crypto and Bitcoin are often used interchangeably. However, the unlimited is, the digital currency does not unaccompanied comprise of Bitcoin. There are numerous subsidiary crypto currencies that are portion of the crypto world. The dream of this late accrual is to educate our readers concerning the subject of cryptocurrencies added than Bitcoin to give them taking into consideration a broad range of options to pick from – if they want up for making crypto-investments.

So let’s believe started when the first publish regarding our list, that is:


Launched in 2011, Litecoin is often referred to as ‘silver to Bitcoin’s gold.’ Charlie Lee – MIT graduate and former engineer at Google – is the founder of Litecoin.

Similar to Bitcoin, Litecoin is a decentralized, mannerism in source payment network which functions without a central authority.

Litecoin is same to Bitcoin in many ways and often leads people to think: “Why not go taking into account Bitcoin? Both are same!”. Here’s a catch: the block generation of Litecoin is much faster than that of Bitcoin! and this is the main gloss why merchants along with insinuation to the world are becoming more dealings to open to Litecoin.


Another obtain into source, decentralized software platform. The currency was launched in 2015 and enables Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications to be built and control without any downtime.Do you know about xrp price

The applications upon Ethereum platform require a specific cryptographic token – Ether. According to the core developers of Ethereum, the token can be used to trade, safe, and decentralize concerning everything.

Ethereum experienced an fierceness in 2016 which maxim the currency split into two parts: Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

In the race of leading cryptocurrencies, Ethereum is second most popular and is right at the in the by now Bitcoin.


Zcash came out in the far away-off ahead portion of 2016. The currency defines itself as: “if Bitcoin is considering http for child support, Zcash is https”.

Zcash promises to offer transparency, security, and privacy of transactions. The currency as well as offers the strange of ‘shielded’ transaction correspondingly the users can transfer data in the form of encrypted code.


Dash is originally a secretive version of Bitcoin. It is assumed name ‘Darkcoin’ due to its secretive flora and fauna.

Dash is popular for offering an expanded anonymity which allows its users to make transactions impossible to trace.

The currency first appeared upon the canvas of digital market in the year 2014. Since also, it has experienced a large enthusiast following more than a utterly quick span of period.


With a name capitalization of beyond $1bn, Ripple is the last publicize upon our list. The currency was launched in 2012 and offers instant, safe, and low-cost payments.

The consensus ledger of Ripple doesn’t require mining, a feature which makes it oscillate from Bitcoin and new mainstream crypto currencies.

The lack of mining reduces the computing adroitness which ultimately minimizes the latency and makes transactions faster.

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