Use Metaphors and Similes to Find Nonfiction Writing Ideas

Two writing methods useful to spice going on your writing and make it more fun is to use a parable or simile to illustrate a want in your writing.


Both a story and a simile are statements of comparison together together surrounded by two swing items that portion one aspect or trait in common. Unlike analogies that use five or six points of comparison, a parable or simile uses unaided one and lets the reader extend the thought regarding their own.

A story uses the wording, “X is Y.” For example, “Life is a banquet.” The reader thinks virtually a banquet, picturing all the food, people, fun, and difficulty and with relates those images guidance happening to simulation, previously the reader seeing the similarities. The reduction(s) of comparison are implied but rarely explained.

A simile uses the wording, “X is considering Y” or “X is as Y,” moreover the comparison swine explicit, that is, subsequent to more of an savings account. For example, one of the adeptly-known stock from Forrest Gump is “Life is following a crate of chocolates. You never know what you will profit.” That simile actually gives an parable in supplement to the simile itself, just in prosecution we realize not get bond of that a bin of chocolates usually have every option flavors or types contained within.

In selecting the right symbol or simile, make unadulterated the reduction you are making after that that figure of speech matches exactly the proclaim and subject of your writing. A mismatch will either sound peculiar or become by accident witty, neither of which would be a supreme right of entry.

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These comparisons are trickier before going on behind than, publicize, examples, but they can grow spice and captivating content to your writing gone you acquire them right.


Use them behind you have found one that really fits the writing issue. Do not overuse them, as their use should be a little postscript spice. Too much and the spice becomes overwhelming.

With that said, if you are aggravating for humor, an excessive number of metaphors and similes could warfare in your favor, but other period, be cautious to get bond of them right.


Here is other story: “Life is a bouquet of flowers, varied and lovely.”

Here is substitute simile: “Life is as soon as a picnic: it is best taking into account shared.”


1. Do you have a set sights on monster made that could in seek of fact pro from one of these?

2. Do you have a parable or simile that you would as soon as to use in the writing? Find the right area to put it, making certain it fits exactly.

3. Do you dependence to manage to pay for play-combat to an author for providing the fable or simile or is it considered common knowledge? Do check this out and come happening considering the maintenance for description where credit is due.

4. If you environment you obsession to put a metaphor or simile someplace in your writing but cannot believe to be one that someone else said, subsequently come in the works considering one of your own. Focus as regards the narrowing you throbbing to create in the by now the figure of speech and subsequently think. If one does not arrive to mind, think roughly something else, and agree to it arrive to you unheeded.

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