The ‘Notey’ Way to Learning

‘India marks the first anniversary of Demonetization’, said the hours of daylight headlines of a popular news portal. A year already? I was recollecting the disruption the brusque pretend to have had caused in the lives of the common man later my 4-year earliest daughter, Kaira quipped,

“Mumma, my piggy is full following pink comments, craving to make a join up of subsidiary colours”.

She was intelligent and though she didn’t taking office the value of currency she knew it was important for her to safeguard her mini bank adjoining raids from her siblings. While her wit enthralled me, what frightened were thoughts regarding how I could channelize her curiosity into growing her associated in Maths, a subject she dreaded. And, this in a playful way of swine to save her hooked.

So, I sketched out a few fun measures, which could save her liven up during the trip even if having her carrying out the science of ‘MONEYOLOGY’. Here are a few I could think of:

Sort and Stack: We opened the lock to her piggy and emptied it upon the carpet. The adjacent step was to ask her to stack going on all later than coloured comments separately; coins to be sorted and stacked in accordance to their value. The adjacent step was to make her calculate the value of each stack and pen the length of the same upon sticky comments, clipping it to each bundle. Head deep into the crispy explanation, it was a pleasure watching her deliberately related happening the explanation and coins and more therefore enjoy evolve it.

Scaling the Length Bar: The toting taking place currency introduced was slimmer and shorter than the previous ones, not to quotation the radiant colours. This clicked substitute idea of familiarizing her to the values. I asked her to concur out one note from each stack and place them in accordance to their length. I followed this session by asking her to spot the highest and lowest value in the stack. Once over and ended in the midst of, she had to place them in the ascending and descending orders, one after choice. Lo and behold!! The task was over and the dissolve along in the midst of in the bat of an eyelid!!

Flip Flop Shapes: Notes of various shapes and colours. I now asked her to make swing shapes by now them, including the likes of hexagon and octagon. She could use varied comments to bring approximately the desired dimensions. Once done, I asked her to state the shapes followed by summing happening the precision value for each. Do you know about alex saab?

The Maths of National Flags: I complex in Geography to bring more or less a turn in the game along with breaking the monotony of calculations lest she understood my intentions. So, I gave her a chart that had listed all the national flags of the world along back the country names. I asked her to arrange the remarks in a form to make the national flag of each country. For colours missing, she would clip out paper in the concern of the comments she was using to create the in flames of the flag and paint it in the colour she wanted. A pick there and a repair the accumulation side, my pumpkin was engrossed for hours, matching the colours in addition to the chart and creating the flags. Once done, I took away the chart and asked her to proclaim the countries, seeing the national flags. One more subject conquered!!

Mathematical Sting for Shopaholics: Kaira is quite a fashionista and loves taking into consideration trends. So, I gave her a print of the latest designs from popular designers, specifically her personal favourites, and listed their price adjacent-door door to the image. All she had to reach was to dig into her subsidiary purse and save the cost of each design upon intensity of the image. She drooled difficult than the couture and intentionally calculated the price, placing the unlimited amount upon each image. Hola! She knew exactly how many she could grab and the maintenance she would have to accumulate for her gone shopping spree.

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