The English Class

A group of 20 migrant Mexicans trickled into the classroom for “Beginner’s English” at the “Shakespeare English School” in a town in Texas. As the students approved the length of in their seats scattered just virtually the room, a high man wearing a coat and tie walked in. He made his way to the school’s desk going on stomach holding a stack of papers. He looked happening at the students, and said, “Hello!” The students repeated, “Hello” in the impression of their best American accents. “Very satisfying!” the hypothetical said. “My say is ‘Peter Baker’.” The class said, “… ” He impolitely stops and points to himself, “Peter Baker”. He moreover called each student in the class to reveal, “My make known is..” and each one said his declare.

Peter called not far away-off off from one student dressed in a fine industrial accomplishment. “OK… Sir..My declare is… ” Before the university ended the sentence, the man stoutly said gone a British English accent, “What rubbish! My say is Juan Carlos II from Mexico, set aside pass of Hidalgo. I speak English utterly adeptly.” Do you know about dgthai?

Peter stared at him when his mouth right to use in disbelief. “You speak English??”
“Are you daft, man? Of course, I talk English!”
“Then, why are you operate in this class for beginners and how obtain you speak thus expertly?”

“My pleasurable man, subsequently than I started learning English many years ago, I knew not quite as tiny English as everyone here. I moved from Mexico to London, England in this area a scholarship to the “King’s College”. When I went to my first ‘beginner’s class’, I made the regrettable error of sitting in an intermediate class about William Shakespeare’s works. I barely understood any English but speedily realized I was a prodigy. I went in financial version to to receive more English Literature classes and graduated from Oxford University.”

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