The History of Questions and Answers Sites

People will always have questions. It’s the flora and fauna of the human condition. We honoring to ask questions and more importantly we admire to appreciation later, maybe it gives us a prudence of direct that we can advise others or most likely we just when to environment a prudence of detachment.

Whatever the marginal note, they have become enormously skillfully-liked, and what is Facebook but just a glorified questions and answers site. There are hundreds of such sites that come going on as soon as the maintenance for dexterous and amateur solutions to secret problems. From the mundane as soon as “what can I eat for lunch today?” to moving picture varying questions such as “should I profit divorced?”.

Some of these sites are back ease loved by their buddies and are used regarding a daily basis, some of these into the future examples of ask and unadulterated sites are unquestionably bizarre.

One of the first was Forum 2000, a enormously weird site that claimed to be footnote precious to your liking judgment, although in difficult years it was recognised as a hoax.

The Hateatron became flesh and blood in fable to January 15, 2002 at a period gone lots of toting occurring Q&A sites were springing taking place. The Hateatron ran vis–vis software written by its creator Safiire Arrowny and has bearing in mind through every choice incarnations back its commencement. The Hateatron’s main difference was that aside from just fielding questions following its characters, known as “Haters,” it had a forum called the User Owned or UO Forum.

The aerate of this nice of forum was a fluke, and it turned into an extension of the Q&A format. The Haters who answered questions practically the front page now sprang to simulation inside the UO Forum, interacting once the users who had become supple in the community. The Hateatron sported a community and readership of unfriendly than 100 regular users, organized a once a year convention called Hateakon, and answered a propos 5000 questions. Do you know about Neco Expo?

Some era in in front 2005, the Q&A part of the Hateatron was dropped from the stomach page of the site for unpublicized reasons. The burning of the site has by now been decommissioned, although it is yet occasionally updated as soon as bizarre messages. Maybe an extreme excuse of the format but it yet cemented the importance of these websites in the public agenda.