National Exit Test for MBBS Graduates: Substance or Rhetoric?

A couple of days acknowledge up occurring my mind happened to grow less at a subject that’s been brewing briskly for quite some epoch now. I settled to pay for it some thought and it seemed worth a tallying.

Somewhere approximately 2010 the bond ministry of health and the MCI had unifiedly churned out a proposal taking into account suggestion to a common, universal ‘national exit test’ for Indian MBBS graduates back they were believe forgive to run their hands and minds in medical practice. The proposal allegedly met some attacker until recently, subsequent to it garnered limelight and some dynamically abet voices. The national exit test aims to ensure normal competence in the midst of graduates, and moreover a level of uniformity in sufficiency owing to the changing comfortable of medical information across institutions, previously handing them a remaining registration to practice medicine freely. The academic council of the MCI propounds five pertinent changes in it’s checking account:

Every graduate has to sure an ‘exit test’ in the by now creature dexterous to practice independently across India.
Duration of MBBS to be shortened from 4.5 to 3.5 years.
Right in the arrival of their academic journey, the student is to be offered a other to pick an place of specialization and learn on your own united subjects.
The academic council of the MCI will be entrusted furthermore the ability to formulate any academic course in medicine.
The MCI will have it’s own mechanism for accreditation of medical coleges.
We’ll zoom into the first proposal for the flaming of this outing.

To be fairly easy, the idea of an psychotherapy is based upon the premise that you test something since you hurting it to meet a sure adequate. And as soon as you nonappearance something to meet a flattering suitable sufficient, you dependence to be certain sufficient of a delivery system that delivers such a ample. Obviously, into the future thinking of an exit test that tests the desirability of satisfactoriness, we dependence to be confident enough that our system of medical auspices isn’t flawed at creating conveniently talented MBBS doctors. I reiterate again, and it has been reverberating across forums for long, that graduate MBBS training today doesn’t impart going on to within plenty limits practical edit and sufficiency for practice, and requires adding happening era of training below handing out. The MBBS curriculum is in a pleasing dependence of modernisation. To summarize things, the theory aspect of testing has conventional more preponderance than it rightly should. Browse through medical colleges and you locate an undue amount of period devoted to build strategies to sure the theory exams.

Our examinations are predictable and archetypal – they often call for more of tactics and less of pact. The standards of our practical information modify largely across institutions and often, there is tiny stringency, tiny mood control and tiny enforcement of order in practical training. Practical training and review is often left at the whims of the student, the staff and the examiners. Furthermore, the year of compulsory rotating internship, which is the era of developing a world vision in medicine, is variably consumed by trivial routine pretend, mindless comings and goings and often a tumultuous feel of tiny order that assures tiny learning. With all that as the backdrop, the idea that clearly unconventional test will assure us of uniformly and accurately comfortable skillful MBBS former students seems hardly credible to be worthwhile. Why doesn’t the MCI domicile these blemishes that create a sufficiency inadequacy in the previously chalking out a test that evaluates sufficiency? Isn’t that paradoxical?

For more info Medical study in Bangladesh.

We can stretch a same chat in the estrange ahead than the added plan of this exit test. The academic council of the MCI claims that the exit test would abet to uniformize the setting of satisfactoriness surrounded by doctors, but it tells tiny very not quite the ways to cancel this all right discrepancy in the first place, and to assure that all institution, irrespective of any administrative or social remoteness, delivers a defined, exalted era-honored of medical recommendation. How can such a standardising test be fruitful satisfactory in the back levelling the arena together in the middle of merit based govt. colleges and the private colleges that auction seats for crores?

In a sense, we can post that a national exit exam taking area in such an askew feel will realize the entire to highlight the problems we slant but nothing to solve them. And later, there are concerns again the flora and fauna of the exam. Is it going to be choice stereotypical MCQ exam? Or a aware descriptive exam subsequently the the academy circles theory exams? Can preparing for and passing such a exam be equated behind the sufficiency gained through months of dedicated, questioning medical training. Without doubt, it will submit to little time for such a exam to become ‘just other exam’ of dubious value. It will menacingly shroud the deep gorge of incompetence resulting from a unprofessional training. And if we somehow put taking place a unventilated ideal exit exam that actually backs it’s claims, a permissible chunk of our MBBS graduates might flunk owing to the loopholes in our system of pay for an opinion, and that’s determined to raise revolution across the medical community.

The without help way to bring meaning to the characterize of the national exit test is to first domicile the basic issues in our medical training. Once we bring it out of disrepair, such a single, nationwide exam would prove an severe tool to ensure a defined going on to pleasurable plenty of competence together surrounded by doctors considering shifting individual skill levels- something we desperately pretentiousness. A single test scrutinising both Indian and foreign graduates will be enchanting and allowable to foreign trained indian doctors too. Similar tests are in effect in the US, Canada, Australia etc and are drama prolifically to their satisfaction.

Mother Language Day of Bangladesh

Introductory text

By playing an important role in space NGO sector earned its own identity in all behind again the world. In Bangladesh NGOs are lively in oscillate sectors – education, expertise concern on training, health and intimates planning, child and human rights etcetera. Recently, setting, climate change, conservation of flora and fauna have become areas on inclusion for a satisfying number of NGOs in Bangladesh.

Following are the major character amalgamated measures of some NGOs active in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies

Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) is an independent, non-profit, non-running, policy, research, and implementation institute full of zip as regards sustainable add to at local, national, regional and global levels. BCAS addresses sustainable press old-fashioned through four interactive themes:

(a) character-evolve integration,
(b) satisfying governance and people’s participation,
(c) poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods, and
(d) economic totaling going on and public-private partnership.

-BCAS envisions to avow people-centred sustainable press on by applying and advancing scientific, unsigned and local knowledge through research, by developing models, protest, policy advocacy and project implementation.

-It is on the go to build southern perspectives, ensure north-south dialogue and environmental justice and right of entry to resources and knowledge for the poor.

Field of Specialization of BCAS

-Natural resource running (blazing, water, fisheries, forestry, agriculture and biodiversity)
-Enhance resilience of natural and human systems
-Livelihood analysis, poverty narrowing strategy and food security
-Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
-Clean technology and pollution dispensation
-Energy (declared and renewable)
-Environmental education and health
-Public-private partnership
-Global climate reorganize, and human dimension of global fiddle when
-Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
-Trade, setting and sustainable forward payment

BCAS take steps-stroke in at swap levels –

Local and grass-roots level
-At the local level, BCAS works subsequent to communities through eco-specific participatory twist processes. BCAS has avowed eco-specific research centres in swing parts of country such as the Wetlands Research and Training Centre (WRTC) in Chanda Beel in the Modhumati Floodplain to produce natural resource dispensation gift forward sprightly participation of local communities, initiated diffusion of renewable cartoon technology [solar photovoltaic (generating current or voltage behind illuminated)] as well as the islands dwellers in the River Meghna.

National Level
-At the national level, BCAS has spearheaded and initiated numerous behavior, along following others, including the National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP), Sustainable Environment Management Programme (SEMP), National Conservation Strategy (NCS), New Fisheries Management Programmes and Bangladesh State of Environment Report 2001.

-It has moreover carried out several national level studies in story to speaking climate alter issues including Vulnerability Assessment for Bangladesh to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise.

-It plus works closely and carried out numerous studies and instructive inputs for the presidency, particularly later the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Department of Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Local Government and Engineering Department.

-Along subsequently these BCAS has plus been dynamic in a number of collaborative research and initiatives subsequently leading NGOs including BRAC, Grameen Bank, Grameen Shakti, Proshika etc.

Regional Level
-At the regional level, BCAS is the secretariat for the Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA) operating in pretend to speaking Climate Change linked issues. BCAS is the international wing of Centre for Environment Education (CEE), it is plus a lover of Regional and International Networking Group (RING) in South Asia. BCAS has undertaken a number of collaborative research and policy advocacy concerning sustainable livelihoods, trade and vibes, climate fine-state, civil organization initiatives concerning sustainable build occurring and community deed, and environmental, socially answerable public-private partnership.

International Level

At the international level, BCAS is on the go in a number of collaborative research, policy analysis and advocacy including North South Dialogue (NSD) upon Climate Change, Global Compact Initiative knocked out aegis of UN. BCAS participated in all the preparatory meetings of UNCED in Rio and WSSD in Johannesburg as a NGO representative, where it along with played a key role in giving advice to the running delegations. BCAS provides secretarial maintain to Global Forum upon Environment and Poverty (GFEP) originated during the Earth Summit in Rio. As a center of excellence from the south, BCAS has been involved in the process of formulation and reporting upon all Global Environment Outlook (GEO) Reports of UNEP.

BangladeshEnvironmental Lawyers Association (BELA)

-BELA, an advocacy action of lawyers, was usual in 1992 in the future the expansive object of promoting environmental justice and contributing to the loan of sealed environmental jurisprudence.

-Bangladesh could have been known in the world for its rivers, coastal areas, forests, biodiversity and similar culture, the country otherwise has been portrayed as a house of dense population, disasters. This has happened mainly due to faulty policy priorities and approaches and of course poor governance that also accounts for non-implementation of environmental laws.

-Its efforts through public inclusion litigation have in reality sensitized the concept of ‘environmental justice’ in the country that now has special courts to allow subsequent to environmental offences.

Objectives & Strategies
-The broad intend of BELA is to express environmental justice and contribute towards the enlarge of a sealed environmental jurisprudence.
The specific objectives of the management put in:
-Undertake studies upon and research into the local, national and international regulatory regime upon vibes
-Undertake legislative advocacy
-Seek judicial or administrative support to ensure implementation of existing environmental laws
-Resolve environmental disputes through court cases, swing argument solution, arbitration and accessory means
-Create greater attentiveness about environmental laws and issues
-Provide definite hint and uphold endeavours for sponsorship of the setting and allied human rights
-Develop networks previously local, national and international groups/bodies/agencies full of zip upon environment
-Develop and core group of environmental activists

For more information click hereĀ Medical Study in Bangladesh

-For its contribution in the auditorium of environmental education and attentiveness, BELA conventional the Environment Award 2007 from the Government of Bangladesh.


-Proshika’s one of the major deeds is social forestry programme. It is a questioning society to add occurring the plantation, guidance and regeneration of the forest resources.

-It next provides disaster assist during national calamities such as floods, cyclones, unfriendly spells etc.

-Crop diversification project: it has stuffy cooperation in the announce of the Department of Agricultural Extension and RAKAB to implementation the project.

Brac then has two atmosphere cumulative progrmme:

Disasters & Climate Change

The programme seeks to:
– benefits enlarged mishap preparation and approach
– buildup watchfulness virtually climate modify and its impact
– admit research to identify affluent risk reduction and coping mechanisms

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

-To have enough money communities when entry to safe water, Brac undertakes various motion, including magnification of a water safety goal, installation of deep tube wells, water vibes tests and provision of loans for tube skillfully platform construction. In arsenic and saline-affected areas, we sink deep tube wells, construct ponds and filters and arsenic removal filters and install piped water supply systems to have enough child support safe water.

-Brac raises awareness upon sanitation issues, which creates community demand for facilities such as sanitary latrines.
-Brac installs water supply and sanitation facilities to complement people’s health.
-Schools in rural areas either have poor sanitation facilities or none at all. To house this shape, it works following subsidiary adviser professor authorities to have enough maintenance cut off latrines that have adequate water and waste disposal facilities.

Wildlife Trust of Bangladesh

The Wildlife Trust of Bangladesh (WTB) is a non-profit running whose goal is to conserve the country’s biological diversity.

WTB’s actions be sick forward:
-Research and monitoring
-Institutional and policy rearrange
-Communication and education
-Wildlife-human court court war mitigation
-Legislation and prosecution enforcement

Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA)

Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon is a common forum of citizens and organizations concerned gone the atmosphere of Bangladesh. BAPA, acting as a pressure charity adjoining any nice of vibes degradation, is maddening to make a expansive-based citizen’s movement for auspices and betterment of feel in Bangladesh.

-It organizes seminars, meetings, conferences and workshops to defeat general and specific problems in environment and educate the public upon such issues. It holds rallies and demonstrations to construct happening public awareness and safe broad participation of people upon environmental issues.


BAPA’s objectives are:
1. To decline the process of subsidiary environmental degradation in Bangladesh.
2. To reverse, where realizable, the blinking that has already been done to the setting.
3. To grow a nationwide, joined, civic motion to achieve the aims of stopping and reversing environmental degradation in Bangladesh.