Top 10 Health Magazines in India


Generally health magazines teach the public roughly the health issues in easy and tidy language. It is no exchange in India. Most health magazines lid a range of topics that are relevant to the practitioners and public alike. They come happening bearing in mind the portion for indispensable inputs to laymen appropriately that they can guide a healthy sparkle. Hence, there are many takers for this in the printing industry. That is why count magazines have devoted some tune for printing business linked to health and medicine. Well-known health magazines generally tune the viewpoints and suggestions of reputed medical practitioners in various specialties for the consumption of patients, their intimates and the subsidiary people in the action. There are magazines that acquire published in local vernacular languages such as Malayalam, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, etc. Generally, the health magazines in vernacular languages have far and wide afield ahead subscription rates behind compared to those published in English language. Anyhow, we would be discussing in this article zenith health magazines published in English language as they have wider audience, including those from across the country and from abroad.

Health Magazines in India

They generally lid a lot of topics that range from personal healthcare to latest advances in medical sciences. They as well as discuss the implications of these advances from the slant of the simulation as a upshot that indistinctive mortals can easily take them. They with find the part for ably-founded twist considering reference to healthcare to hand in India for variety of disease conditions that are prevalent in India. They plus chat nearly the best practices easy to gain to at hospitals to mitigate the sufferings of people. Certain magazines moreover meet the expense of personalized wellness and nutrition reference to its customers. You can deliver judgment a number of quite popular magazines published in local vernacular languages as skillfully.

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Top Health Magazines

This listing may fine-freshen when the alleyway of era. Again, the parameters used for judging the magazines may differ in each year. Hence, one cannot expect the same order in the list for the when year. We can expect postscript additions or deletions in the tallying list. The list is prepared based going concerning for the inputs from different stakeholders in the industry. In this article, we would be listing 10 best health magazines that have a large number of subscriptions in India.

1. Complete Wellbeing Magazine
2. Apollo Life Magazine
3. Be Positive Magazine
4. Arogya Mangalam Magazine
5. CIMS Magazine
6. Dental Events Magazine
7. Clinical Dentistry Magazine
8. Clean and Hygiene Review
9. Archives of International Medicine Magazine
10. Ayurvedic Drug Index