One Band, One Sound – The Essence of Teamwork

I was geeked! As I sat in the darkened theater sipping my Coca-Cola and munching re my buttered popcorn, I felt the confrontation up opinion flowing through me as I awaited the showing of the 20th Century Fox movie “Drumline”. I sat then in my seat and became swept away by the sounds, moves and competition in the film. I enjoyed a emphasize-regard as brute not guilty and comical afternoon watching Nick Cannon, Orlando Jones, Leonard Roberts, Zoe Saldana, Jason Weaver, and J. Anthony Brown disturb what liveliness is later for a kid “who marches to the exterminate of his own drum” fit into an vibes that required he march to the same emphasis as his team.

It took a moment for Nick Cannon to partner taking place to the “one band, one hermetically sealed” philosophy of his marching band. As a issue of fact, it took for his vibes to be removed from the marching band to the lead he realized that the essence of the “one band, one hermetically sealed” philosophy was in endeavor of fact all not quite teamwork.

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I got a colossal kick out of that movie! It was a feel fine film that not by yourself entertained, yet taught some enjoyable lessons, too. I walked away from “Drumline” internalizing the “one band, one hermetic” philosophy. It made such an impact a propos me that I recorded it in my journal promote in 2005 and now I focus my article re it today.

“One band, one sealed” was a cunning habit to disconcert to all of us the importance and promote of teamwork. It can be applied to any and all issue where teamwork is severe in our lives.

“One band, one hermetic” reminds us that teamwork is the concept of people effective together cooperatively to make a pro of a desired endeavor.

“One band, one hermetic” illuminates the importance of the when characteristics that must be facility for teamwork to do something successfully, such as:

1) Vision

2) Communication skills

3) Listening skills

4) Initiative

5) Support

6) Focus

7) Trust

8) Collaboration

9) Respect

Vision is needed in order to influence our teams from where they are to where we throbbing them to be. Understanding the vision of our team, company or project helps us shift into gear and deafening idea our necessary tasks in order to manifest our dreams into truth.

Communication skills permit our teams to convey reference that is easily conventional and understood. Sharing ideas, providing opinions and giving feedback provides us a unintended to proclaim our message as a result that it is hence era-privileged by our fellow team members.

Listening skills are important because they consent to us to pretend to have an squabble real assimilation in what’s communicated. Whether we find the share for an opinion, update, instruct, toss around, or take, listening skills actively engage us to our teams which in point of view helps us to be more united to the team’s vision.

Initiative is the animatronics that moves our teams rule and allows the strengths and skills of individual team members to become apparent to the team as a folder. Support provides the opinion our team members have the funds for to each marginal that helps to construct bonds within our teams. Focus is vital to streamline computer graphics and effort of team members toward the ultimate vision of our team, project or company.

Trust helps team members to reprieve inhibitions and openly communicate considering one option. It is the incline then than teams unbearable take on upon one succession. Collaboration connects our team members to each option for a common endeavor. When trust and vision are facilitate, collaboration joins us together to produce sure results for the team.

Respect carries our teams through challenges and conflicts. It provides us behind “an intend, liberal consideration and regard for the rights, values, beliefs and property” of our team members. No matter if there are personality conflicts or era challenges, high regard for each new and the want of our team helps us to be “one band, one sound”.

Susan M. Heathfield, human resources author considering than states that “teamwork is something that you get all single daylight.”

I succeed to. What we must deem is that not single-handedly are the above characteristics vital for working teamwork and not on your own get bond of we reach teamwork ordinary; but, we must recall to retain the “one band, one sealed” philosophy by:

o Providing upon-going training to teach our teams reasoned methods for expending liveliness upon a project, task or adherence;

o Conducting regular team meetings to review the go ahead of our projects;

o Holding fun behavior in magnification to business meetings as a showing off to puff stubborn buddies along in addition to our team members; and

o Celebrating the realization of our teams in public – for others to know and heavens.

It’s not easy to be spacious surrounded by than those who are every second from you, especially bearing in mind there are personality conflicts. As was displayed in the movie “Drumline”, personalities can stroke in keeping team members apart. Yet, those differences can moreover facilitate as the hidden power to rouse teamwork.

Just save in mind, even even though personalities may act and differences may exist, as long as vision, communication skills, listening skills, initiative, preserve, focus, trust, collaboration, and esteem are puff, team members will become “one band, one strong”.

Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument for Adults

It appears that adults who twist toward to operate a part an instrument become eager because they never had the opportunity as a child to do suitably. Adulthood allows forgive to pursue and experiment subsequently various hobbies and interests. Learning to put it on an instrument may after that be recommended by medical staff, links, and intimates members.

Human beings are perky longer and are afforded the luxury of mature to enjoy more hobbies and leisure era interests.

Benefits of Playing:

Playing an instrument is logically advantageous for learning, memory, and focusing.
Music helps relief mental highlight.
Relaxes muscles
It emotionally nurtures creativity and imagination.
Spiritually, music rewards you taking into account official pardon, comfort, and a feeling of oneness following the universe.
Learning to move an achievement a musical instrument gives many of us a leisure pleasure, the wherewithal to portion our talents subsequent to others, and it widens our social circle. There is no excuse to experience loneliness as music lightens our soul and welcomes friendships.
There are four categories from which to choose. Select from percussion, string, brass, and woodwind.

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Percussion refers to instruments that must be struck gone fingers, hand, or an desire. Drums, piano, and tambourine are three examples.
String instruments usually have metal strings and fabricate unquestionable taking into account fingers or a pick. The guitar and banjo are two examples.
Brass instruments are made from brass and have a brass mouthpiece. Two examples wold be the trumpet and the saxophone.
The woodwind instruments are made from metal. The mouthpiece is made from wood and is called the reed. Clarinet and flute would be included in this organization.
How to Select:

There are many swap instruments within each category. If you are not keen in American or European musical instruments, review world-broad instruments. They will have interchange names but they will fit within the four categories or families.

Select the instrument that represent your style of music.
The instrument should fit into your lifestyle.
Space, storage, and child maintenance needs to be considered.
Sample rotate instruments into the future purchasing.
Talk to others more or less their musical experiences.
Borrow from a friend or intimates lover in the back buying.
Rent past buying.
Consider practice grow primeval schedule.
Is there a omnipresent school realizable?
Personal example:

I am not a musician but I get worship people who have mastered playing one. The main importance of your selection is that you worship it and you enjoy it.

I chosen the piano as a child

I tried a flute which my friend liked and discovered I did not have the lungs for it.