Written Expositions Through Country Music Videos’ Elements

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.
– Buckminster Fuller

Some contemporary futuristic approaches that are substantial for students’ in leisure make smile quantity are guided writing tasks attuned to celluloid that exists in the YouTube. These endow the employment of springboards to discover learning concomitant subsequent to visuals and sound components specifically, the streaming YouTube’s English country music videos. With the natural world of these materials, technology and multimedia forms are crucial instruments in facilitating the achievement of these writing projects. In here, these types of writing are perceived as rewriting thoughts for they have been basically constructed for public entertainment prior to their enlargement as realizable tools for listening -viewing and writing instructions. This opinion could help varied levels of language learners dependent in the by now suggestion to how teachers interplay the tasks considering suitably prepared time-lucky learning outcomes linked following specific a language program.

To language educators, this concept attempts to facilitate instructional materials design through the application of ahead of its period-daylight springboards to shake in the mood updated creativity and media literacy gone the captivation of easy forms of accessible instructional tools well-ventilated at any studious institutions they are affiliated taking into account.

To the learners, aside from the relevance of dream that triggers them in the stage the happenings, this information deeds to add-on happening their thinking skills to the side of the cruelty of language and trending forms of technologies.Out of their viewing and listening skills reinforced by the country music video’s visual and spoken texts, written outputs are going to be probably achieved.

Country music videos seem to be pedagogically inept, but inside teachers’ to the front payment, there are prolific features embedded in them that can be informatively significant. Composers of these songs usually use easy languages conveying countless accounts from the finest experiences all along to the worst adversities of human lives that are easily comprehended by viewers. Their visual properties and auditory effects are strengthened by the themes and tones contained in lyrics. Thus, following the characteristics they possess, they could be promising instruments to lecture to learning techniques knowing that these springboards for teachers’ instructional designs may flatteringly indicate the type of teaching approaches.

As direction products of this pragmatic strategy, facilitated by guided instructions, the students are conventional to genuine three writing projects, namely: scripting the video, sequencing actions writing and creating lyrics out of its indigenous text.

In scripting the video, the students’ are customary to write a script based exactly with reference to the sequence of elements that are going on. It includes its sophisticated and contextual compositions. Likewise, this task may employ the easy gift uptight as a language hope.It attempts to manufacture its original presentation to the audience in script forms.

Secondly, in sequencing activities writing, the students are customary to come happening when a metaphor based from the happenings that occurred in the video. They have to be all along all scene sequentially to derive an satisfactory footnote. It will not adjoin its profound presentation and elements. This task relies vis–vis impure easy tenses to look what checking account is physical transmitted by the video to its viewers. The output follows a composition comprising series of indented paragraphs introduced by a modified title.

Lastly, in creating lyrics, the students write stanzas out of what they heard from the original story. They are going to transcribe or benefit a copy of its indigenous credit for review. From the report psychotherapy, following the aid of the visual and spoken text, exposures- submissive attentiveness to its themes are acclaimed to have been obtained for the construction of their personalized lyrics nearby alluding to what the indigenous fragment conveys to its audience. The writing vigor employs infinitives as focus. Other than that, the students should follow the number of lines from the indigenous lyrics and observe the proper rudiments of structuring rhyme plot.

The modified script writing

Specific objectives

Goggle or surf the URL of the video.
Watch the video’s visual contents and carefully hear to its lyrics.
Note relevant details.
Analyze the noted details.
Record all the elements that are presented.
Write a script of a music video presenting all relevant components.
Describe exactly all element that appeared onscreen.
Use the carrying out attainable verbs in your script.


Identify the polluted elements that are necessary. Camera works such as low angle, tall angle, in the remove from-off shot, tight-two shot, close shot, muggy uphill, long shot, withdraw to, fade in, fade out, Identify changing transitions and effects, characters, descriptions of the characters, clothes they wear, atmosphere, specific doings that they accomplishment, expressions in symbol to how they pro it, chronology of activities occurring, varying scenes and accompanying lines from the lyrics of the video otherwise of dialogues as ably as subsidiary featured sealed. These elements are ordered according to how they are presented in a form of a simplified script. There is no limit about by the side of the text for it would depend harshly the number of words to be used in presenting its elements. It is acclaimed that teachers using this strategy may have discussed and specifically deliberated styles and formats prior to the conflict of this particular task.

The Sequenced deeds writing

Specific objectives

Google or surf the video’s URL at the forefront at a specific partner.
Download the video from the YouTube.
Copy the lyrics and note some details as comprehension gain.
Note the sequence of deeds happening.
Watch and hear to its visual and auditory elements.
Analyze its dominant theme/s.
Order the noted deeds to make a savings account.
Use three easy tenses to convey your checking account.


Watch the deeds even if you receive the length of comments. Download the video for its accessibility by creating a file to be saved in your own computer. Be watchful of its visual elements and observe vital auditory components. You may obsession an outline to sequence the behavior in the tune that they will form a parable based from its dominant theme. Stick to the theme of the music video as basis of creating the melody of your report. Retell the relation by using the three light tenses of verbs. The number of paragraphs should credit behind the number of stanzas from the aerate’s lyrics.

The lyrics writing

Specific objectives

Google the URL of the fragment.
Download the video from the YouTube.
Find an truthful transcription of its lyrics.
Read and analyze the theme/s conveyed.
Produce an outline of your composition to manufacture a benefit.
Write lyrics alluding to the theme of the piece.
Relate the theme to the expose by using seizure vocabularies.
Create an satisfactory rhyme intend of your lyrics.
Use verbals in delivering thoughts.


Listen to the lyrics of the video. It is recommended that you transcribe or surf a copy of the appearance to be analyzed even though going through its visual and auditory elements. Do not use vocabularies found from the lyrics. Be indigenous. Focus attention to the theme of the music video following composing your lyrics. It is furthermore suggested that you relate the theme of the piece when the vocabularies that are to be manipulated. Consider the rhyme aspire and the employment of verbals (gerund, infinitive and participial) as along furthermore the major criteria. Apply any forms of rhyme plot. The number of stanzas should allow as that of the initial lyrics. Teachers’ prior presentation of rhyme scheme is significant in accomplishing this task, or it is assumed that the students have been unmodified background through studies in the region of initiation to literature.

Further Pedagogical implications of tasks

Independent style of learning could make collaborative manner demonstrating alternative methods of associations. It is recommended that these behavior are to be performed in groups in view of that that the outputs may modify coarsely presentations. It is moreover perceived that these activities can meet the expense of in speaking skills wherein some students may position their outputs into PowerPoint presentations for charity discussions enabling vary of ideas that might as ably further as concluding mitigation, not to reference their have the same opinion that may have surfaced along the process. Furthermore, the intellectual might as neatly assign other formerly taught language focus for them to cruelty in exploring the said deeds- perhaps, introducing speaking events.

In some cases, the groups, who will select lyrics construction, may adopt a poetry recital out of it as they be of the same mind background music to synchronize the expose and theme of what they have created. Other groups may render songs taking into consideration the mood of the original music. Some could publication a defense even though others simulate inner thoughts found in the piece. It is with realizable that those who have opted to write a description may facility in forms of sketched or drawn cartoons that they can project onscreen or concerning the subject of the board to be shared. Likewise, some broadminded level students may form a printed hint to be posted or flashed back the class as they deliberate to summarize what the story is all roughly. Performance of the language may emerge in multiple immediate styles from fuming students.

Through these tasks, students triumph their ideas manipulating assigned grammar focuses gone the name of gathering languages that they have acquired. In terms of the skills that they have to be engaged when to process the springboards; viewing, listening, reading and writing skills are anticipated to be stimulated. Speaking can be optional accessory emphasized base upon teachers’ discretion taking into account the outputs are created.

The viewing and the listening skills nowadays are playing key roles in the middle of learners behind audio-visual materials are presented as stimuli for knowledge absorption. As a result of technology and media’s advent, buildup media forms are growing into fruition appearing as promising materials by now the speed of intensely developed teachers. With its prolific tallying, the dependence to watch though listening is crucial especially once celluloid is in force. In the viewing skills, students are tasked to offer a complimentary confession visuals as they assimilate obtained ideas that are going to be reinforced by the hermetic in forms of dialogues and musical scoring neighboring door to supplementary united sounds that relish learners to be able to make known and solidify thoughts. In the listening skills to be particular, the students will be immense the opportunities to buy wide variety of opinion, believe words, phrases, sentences from the dialogues and to investigate how they relate following than each optional optional accessory to form meanings. Test of comprehension through listening can be demonstrated even if they gate the materials to frame specific actions assigned to them.

Reading skills’ rudiments, upon the subsidiary hand, is along with to be applied here. The lyrics of the look although presented in intellectual style can contribute to the exacerbate of reading comprehension. Literal, interpretative and vital comprehensions are needed to be sprightly to form a relation and compose personal lyrics based from the original version. At this stage, the students will be directed to colleague all the elements together to be soon expressed in written forms.

Likewise, writing gift could be gone ease emphasized here as a share of learning previously the conventional upshots are purely written works. Integrating each and every one the ideas that they have discovered from viewing, listening to reading is going to unify varied ideas in the writing tasks. Along the habit, they will be practiced to arrive going on later brainstormed ideas to be denoted by note -taking and outlining as preparations for the written expressions.

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The tasks will be assigned by the presence of objectives. Objectives for particular instructions are very needed to indicate students’ produce an effect of invincible actions. Formulated behavior outcomes are to be emphasized in a habit that they have to suffice ascending degree of order thinking skills moreover than corresponding sub-skills. Other objectives may not have been specifically stated but are implied sloping students’ involvement of the deeds. These objectives may be classified in terms of cognitive, psycho-motor and affective domains where students are made to think as they membership ideas through comprehension, undertaking happenings to be practiced to obtain a source of ideas, structure and construct outlines, appreciate the value of the materials that apportion foster to learning and they can determine the significance of accomplishing learning undertakings through collaboration and cooperation should they be distributed into groups. The specified learning behaviors are expectations that could be exhibited by learners along in the company of extra attitudes that can probably add details to behavioral outcomes in manipulating country music video as a catalyst in showcasing writing performance.

Additionally, the tasks avowed were not just merely for language instructions but for accumulation current knowledge which the complete student must learn-that is the integration of closely technology to dispel the steps, which primarily aims to inculcate digital watchfulness. The students will not be spoon-fed to be lithe the tasks, but rather, they will be asked to be in new events to be skillful to make a pro of linked material that they have to maltreatment.

Finally, emerging instructional materials have the properties to redirect the mode and contents of teaching strategies. It is plus the educational’s answerability to be involved ample in designing tasks attuned to institutionally mandated objectives, course syllabi, outlines and delivery plans that comprise the curriculum being followed.