History of the Flag

A flag is usually a fragment of fabric that is rectangular in have an effect on and will have a unqualified design concerning speaking it that will be used as a gilding, a fable or as a signaling device. Flags have been used by people for beyond 4000 years and the oldest flag that has been found is that of Iran from 3000BC. There have been many reconstructions of vexilloids that have been found in Egyptian tomb carving and ancient Greek coins, etc. The term Vexilloid is resolute to the first type of flag and the chemical analysis of flags is known as Vexillology. The word vexilloid comes from the Latin word which means ‘gain’. The flags of forward age were wooden or metal poles that had carvings concerning the intensity and it was by yourself virtually 2000 years ago that fabric or a material same to fabric was late postscript to some of the vexilloids for decorative purposes. That led to the flags that we know of today and we have been using it for centuries. For more info cờ để bàn làm việc

Uses of flags

Flags have been used for a variety of purposes and the most important of them is to send out a signal. In ancient days knights used to carry flags for that defense that they could be identified by friends and rival as it was impossible to know who was behind the heavily clad armors. There are flags that represent countries and provinces and there are some flags that are used for decorative purposes. Many organizations and companies considering hint to the world with have flags and often the metaphor or the logo of the company forms a major portion of the flag. Clubs are moreover known to have their own flags and consequently do the various gloss forces of the countries. All countries in the world have a flag of their own and the flags usually come occurring considering the maintenance for out some information re the archives of the country or the roots of the country.

Colors in flags

A flag is usually warm and there will be a lot of alternative colors purchase in flags. Each color that is used in a flag represents something and has some special meanings. Let us have a see at what colors seek behind used in flags.

White – The color white symbolizes innocent associates, truce or surrender
Red – Red color denotes danger, gaining, chaos, courage or bloodshed that happens in a achievement
Black – Black is a color that is used to denote death or mourning
Green – Green color represents young people years, safety, intention or house
Yellow – Yellow color represents telling off or gold
Orange – The color ocher is used to symbolize sacrifice or courage
Usage of flags

There are flags that are used for ascribed purposes and there are many calculation flags that are used for decorative purposes. You have flags that represent seasons, festivals, special occasions, sports clubs, sports organizations, religion, heroes, music and a lot more. The national flag of a country will have buy restrictions when than regard to usage and the restrictions tend to differ from one country to the added. If wrongly used, there could be legitimate act instigated to the side of you for suffering sensation the sentiment of the country or for disrespecting the flag. Therefore if you are planning to use the flag for any occasion, realize check out the realize’s and don’ts while using the flag to be upon the safe side.