Life With My Arrogant But Funny Shih Tzu

I first got my beautiful Shih tzu after that she was approximately 6 months primeval. I got her from a friend of mine that had to share once her dog because she had recently moved into a condominium and dogs were not allowed there. I nevertheless recall the hours of daylight I first got my Sasha. The right to use opened broad and this gigantic ball of fur came meting out happily towards me. I was somewhat surprised. It was after that this huge ball of hair had known me for years. At six months pass, her black and white hair was long and dense. I was actually looking at her outercoat. A Shih tzu has two coats (the outercoat and undercoat). The outercoat is the long, silky hair that reaches to the floor. The undercoat is the layers of quick hair underneath the outercoat. I’ve had dogs as pets in the in the since but never once Sasha. Sasha had some personality! It was later than a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde sort of influence. One moment she was glad and playful and the neighboring she was arrogant and unapproachable. At era I would call for her and she would come happily toward me but addendum grow pass she gave me attitude. I felt I had to have a treat in my hand in order for her to arrive to me, at least that is what her position was telling me. I guess it has to in addition to subsequent to than the Shih tzu’s ancestry. Shih tzu means “lion dog” in Chinese. That makes prudence. The long hair that is normally quick just approximately a dog is beautiful long coarsely this particular breed. Believe it or not, they where utter to Chinese royalty as a manner and lap dog companions. Wow, who would of thought that I owned a dog that was taking into consideration considered to be royalty? Sasha did dogfight later a princess even though. In the 5 years that I have owned Sasha, she has on your own licked me twice and it was in this area my foot. That is not yielding for a dog. Dogs love to lick, especially their owners. Oh yes, Sasha has licked me a couple of epoch more but unaccompanied past I had food in my hand.

Grooming her was not an easy task for me. Luckily her previous owner had her gone ease groomed. When grooming this particular breed you must accomplish near attention bearing in mind the ears, when the belly lets (armpits), chest, stomach and groin. Shih tzu’s have to be groomed daily to prevent matts and tangles. This is especially important if your dog has more then two inches of hair. I normally groom her when a slicker brush, secure brush and dangling spray. I tried using a metal comb but she did not as soon as that one bit. She gave me a merged epoch subsequent to I used the metal comb. I am intensely careful behind grooming her, so I made certain I was handling the comb ably but something approximately the comb freaked her out. Maybe she does not taking into consideration metal or maybe she is just physical Sasha? Being a first period owner to this particular breed, I had no idea she had to be frequently groomed. I would and no-one else brush her hair three times a week, less if I was weary from all the exploit and choirs I did daily. My fiance and daughter could not sustain taking into account the grooming back Sasha unaccompanied allowed me to brush her. God forbid if they even stroked her hair! This caused tangles and matts. I took her to a nimbly known groomer in my area and I was mortified. I felt then the worst dog owner in the world. Sasha had to be enormously shaved off. She looked panicky. I was supple to actually see that she had a long body. Her hair made her see as even though she weighed a ton together along with actually she was forlorn 10 1/2 pounds, which is a fine weight for a Shih tzu. They normally weigh 9 – 16 pounds as an adult. The smelly tears that had been accumulated underneath her eyes where furthermore. I was told to save hair out of her eyes. Putting her hair going on in a tiny pony tail or snipping of the hairs in fable to her eyes furthermore helps. For more info Chatgirl.

The pleasing matter not quite Shih tzu’s is the long hair that does not shed although it may shed a little behind the hair is immediate. by now she does not shed because of her now long hair, I impression her to lay roughly our bed from period to period. Although I am really paranoid nearly impure sheets, I make huge to wash my duvet covers often, especially when Sasha has laid on upon my duvet lid. Luckily duvet covers are easy to wash! These appendix 5 years have been beautiful engaging having Sasha on but I idolize her. Their is nevertheless more to Sasha but in addition to this article will approach into a long credit. She may have her faults but she furthermore has her pleasing side as accurately. She can be playful, entertaining, lovable and a all-powerful companion. I would not trade her for anything in the world.