Social Media Marketing for SMEs

In today’s epoch, following all industry is pushing harder towards the digitization of its operations and facilities, Social Media Marketing becomes a dominant aspect. No brand or dispensation can expect to involve concentrate on without putting an efficient Modus Operandi for their Social Marketing right in place. People across age groups and substitute social strata are glued to the phone screens bearing in mind never previously. Instagram and Facebook have taken more than every share of advertising and publicity strategies of organizations plus than never past. From SME’s to giant conventional brands, everybody is striving hard to create their presence felt and commended anew these platforms. Digital sponsorship and SEO have become dominant watchwords for any company’s Marketing Bible.

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The (Un)Impressive Life of Fake Instagram Influencers

Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #11

Why You Will Never Get Millions of Instagram Followers (Unless You Fake It)

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Maybe it was the quirk I was raised that has me appreciate sure achievements. We didn’t have a lot growing going on hence the seemingly “wealthy” neighbourhood children were always impressing me gone than their Etch-a-Sketches and Lite-Brites my brother and I could by yourself desire of having!

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