How to Create a YouTube Video

How to make an handsome video for online and offline?

Creating a video is every single one challenging because through the video we can pronounce a relation to our audience, message that we sore spot to convey to the audience, or we can heavens our issue or product through video. If u hurting to make a video you must be creative because telling a defense or promoting a product or matter is not a big arrangement but how you add footnotes to your gloss, vent a product, or issue as adroitly as it must be attractive at the same grow outmoded-fashioned.

Equipment’s required for creating a professional video (Online, torment, promoting a product)?
You don’t quirk a Hollywood easily reached of studio to make a video if your budget is tight you can shoot video or make videos considering your smartphone, and you must be creative even if editing your videos.
Tripod subsequent to a vague head.
MIC for VoiceOver.
Editing Software.


1. Scripting: – They are the written text of a film or offer.
It must complement points connected to your video with than: –
a. What you nonappearance to accustom your audience
b. B-rolls shots.
c. A-roll shots.
d. Locations to shoot particular video.

2. Camera: – It’s a myth that for making a video you need a gain camera setup. You just compulsion a mobile when powerful camera (phone @ of Rs 10000).

For more info Best TTS for video marketing.

3. Tripod: – It as well as your camera to stabilize your video, because shake video nobody taking into account to watch. With tripod you can have the funds for in to lots of creative shots when pan & zoom, Dolly shots etc. if you can afford costly appropriately go a head if your budget subsequently you can get accord of tripod knocked out 1000-3000 RS.

4. Lighting: – It’s one of the most important factor even if creating a video because when proper lighting is much in the set against and wide bigger and handsome with choking lighting. You can shoot in soft buoyant (Morning mature or evening period), attempt to avoid rough lights (influence sunlight), if you shoot indoor later you compulsion some soft boxes for well-ventilated they are quite costly but you can create your own DIY soft bin.