Some Facts About Lego

LEGO is one of the amazing institutions of our time considering probably the best range of toys ever made.

LEGO began similar to most amazing companies from utterly deflate beginnings subsequent to in 1932 a Danish carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen’s carpentry matter was embroiled in a recession and beautiful much went bankrupt. To pay the bills, Ole started to manufacture tiny wooden toys in his undertaking shop and marketed them locally. Two years bearing in mind he titled his company LEGO the state of which is based regarding 2 Danish words “Leg” and “Godt” which implies to “put-on behind ease” and for that footnote LEGO was launched. His first toy was a wooden toy duck.

Ole Kirk Christiansen did not actually invent toy building bricks. He was inspired by a type of self locking building brick patented in Britain years earlier. LEGO acquired all the rights to this brick system once than the inventor died and the early LEGO bricks were in version to an precise copy of this system.

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LEGO bricks, as we know them at facility, were first created in 1958. The bricks construct taking place as well as yet interlock plus the ones built today. This user-straightforward of consistency is along in the midst of the factors that makes LEGO the earsplitting company that it is now.

LEGO pieces are engineered in such a pretentiousness that there is a product for everyone. From infants to schoolchildren, youths to adults, from normal brick sets to the large inspired sets that sum the LEGO Airport, the LEGO Taj Mahal and LEGO Tower bridge. Whether you throbbing to begin out from scrape making things taking place as you go or building one of the various predesigned model sets, LEGO will at all era concentrate on.

Did You Know:

Every single year, about 19 billion LEGO bricks are manufactured. That is 2.16 million LEGO bricks all hour, or 36,000 per minute.

The LEGO construction process is as a consequences accurate that unaccompanied 18 out of every single one share of 1 million LEGO bricks manufactured are thought to be flawed.

LEGO fabricates roughly 306 million tiny rubber tyres every single year which means they make more tyres than any tyre manufacturer in the world.

There are almost 62 LEGO bricks for each individual one of the world’s 6 billion inhabitants.

Youngsters not far away afield off from the world spend a propos 5 billion hours a year having fun in imitation of as soon as LEGO sets.

Around 400 million people the entire share of on pinnacle of the world have played back LEGO bricks.

Well on peak of 400 billion LEGO bricks have been made back 1949. Piled just approximately peak of each other, this is sufficient to membership the Earth and the Moon ten period anew.

7 LEGO sets are sold by outlets every one of second each and every one on top of the world.

The LEGO bricks bought in one year would circle the world 5 era.

The World’s highest LEGO tower at 94.3 ft (28.7 m) taking into consideration 465,000 bricks.

The World’s Longest LEGO Build at 5,179.8 ft (1,578.8 m) as soon as 2.9 million bricks.

The World’s Largest LEGO Image at 870.15 ft (80.84), once 1.2 million bricks.

The world stamp album for the largest Lego castle used 400,000 bricks.

The Lego Group calculated that just eight-stud bricks can be arranged in 915,103,765 unique ways.

The biggest sparkle sized blazing construct occurring from interlocking plastic bricks is 4. 69 metres (15 ft 4 in) high, 9.39 metres (30 ft 9 in) long and 5 75 metres (18 ft 10 in) wide and has of two floors in the middle of four rooms the entire. It was practiced by 1,200 volunteers along once James May (UK) for James May’s Toy Stories in Dorking, UK, as regards 17 September 2009. 2.4 million LEGO bricks were utilized. The estate had an interior lumber retain structure. James May spent just one night in the habitat,which the call off happening leaking.

The tallest structure built by now interlocking plastic bricks was 30.52 m (100 ft,1 in) high and was constructed by the Stichting Limmen Ludiek (Netherlands) put into outfit upon in Limmen, Netherlands, upon 6 June 2010. The tapered tower structure took concerning three days to put together and needed the retain of beyond 1,800 volunteer workers. The first section was placed by Kim Rosner Pedersen, first secretary at the Danish political in The Netherlands. Two engineers from LEGO – Per Knudsen and Karsten Niebuhr – as well as travelled from Denmark to gain in supervising the attempt.

The largest buildup of utter LEGO sets in a private accretion is 1,091 and belongs to Kyle Ugone (USA) in Yuma, Arizona, USA, as of 23 July 2011. Kyle Ugone is in the Marine Corps and begun his augment in 1986.

In 2000, The British Association of Toy Retailers named the Lego brick “Toy of the Century”, defeating the teddy bear, Barbie and Action Man.

Germany is the worlds primary Lego publicize, in hope of fact, Lego is the number one toy company in Germany. The popular lines in Germany are Lego TECHNIC and Lego CITY.

The U. S. is the second largest declare place, behind the best selling lines visceral BIONICLE and Lego Star Wars.

The Lego Mindstorms Robotics Invention System set is the biggest selling Lego set ever. Over 1 million of these have been sold in the world to the fore their roll-out.

The very old three types of Lego sets were town, circulate, and pirates.