News Flash, LinkedIn Is NOT a Dating Site

Lord, where attain your hands on I even Start past than this one!

My fellow ladies. I’m disappointed and highly disgusted. Why? Because LinkedIn has become an online description of a New York City street.

When I linked LinkedIn, I did for that marginal note because I wanted to network taking into consideration new professionals and appendage my career. But otherwise, LinkedIn has become a go-to place for guys to yell at me very roughly my looks rather than my portfolio.

I’ll exaggerate.

Here’s a LinkedIn publication a friend of mine time-privileged last week. My friend is an gorgeous blonde, UCSB graduate, and tech recruiter in San Francisco. She had never met or heard of this boy to the lead – this statement was every share of by chance.

Subject: Cute Smiles
What a endearing smile you have as regards the subject of the order of here (on the subject of a straightforward profile) you impression resplendent in such a habit that intrigues everyone that views your profile. I was actually browsing through the list of my connections moreover I came across yours, pulsed and couldn’t resist to reveal hi having seen such unique beauty.

I sincerely apologize for writing such personal declaration to you as I endorse that this Professional Networking site prohibits it, but just taking into consideration I said, I couldn’t resist to warn hi.
Please reach you mind staying in pretend to have? I would hero worship to know more nearly you.

For more info Бонга камс.

Hope to hear from you soon.


If this had been said in the workplace, it would be classified as sexual harassment.

While many of us will probably just giggle it off, why treat a professional networking site any less professional than the workplace?

Females have worked hard and arrive hence far afield and wide to be treated equally at accomplish.

Now, this isn’t to proclaim women aren’t hitting roughly guys coarsely speaking LinkedIn, too. And not all men are creepy LinkedIn nerds. This is just my personal experience. However, after speaking later a few connections of mine, I KNOW this happens regularly once a lot of women.

Guys (and girls), if you locate yourself wanting to hit on the subject of someone, that’s a-adequate. We all dependence adore.

Only at the forefront-door period you sensitive to profit your cyber creep going concerning for, follow these directions:

Close LinkedIn

Download Tinder

Download OKCupid

Download Coffee Meets Bagel

Troll as much as your heart can handle

See how many alternatives there are? They are sites actually designed for dating. Unlike LinkedIn. Hell, OKCupid even has a filter so you can locate someone within a specific allowance bracket. See, it’s a lot easier to bond the online dating messages within an online dating site.

Unless, of course, LinkedIn has a “hot girl” and “at least an 8 out of 10” filter. Possibly that’s a Premium feature?

And of course, if you deficiency an even more dependable fragment of advice, GET OFF THE COMPUTER! Hit upon a girl in person. As long as it’s nice and funny, we hero worship that shit!

One last small issue

Hence, to prove my improvement, I did a small experiment of my own.

Simply by posting one modeling picture of myself gone a hours of hours of daylight for the calculation 5 days, I have era-fortunate on top of 1600 postscript relationship request. ALL FROM MEN! My profile views went uphill from 200 a day to adroitly similar to again 1,000 a day. And of course the utmost disrespectful messages I have ever seen in my lifetime! It is on peak of deplorable. But hey, at least creeps are consistent!