RPG Dice and Cheating

Brand accessory roleplayers should be warned about a sure nice of gamer. You’ll figure this out yourself eventually, but there’s no excuse you should learn through the educational of hard knocks. A unqualified intensely competitive type of roleplayer tends to fudge their die rolls.

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I’m not talking about the gamemaster who is rolling particularly hot and who fudge a propos the order of the die roll to save something dismal from occurring to the bureau. That’s white hat dice tactics. I’m talking approximately the artist who out-and-out cheats concerning their dice rolls. Here’s a few of the tactics to see out for.

Dice Tactics

The d100 is a deafening source of cheating in tabletop roleplaying. Since most people don’t have an actual 100-sided die (they exist), most people use either two d10s or two d20s (using the last digit in double-digit numbers) to simulate the d100 experience. In either dogfight, one die represents the single digit or single numbers (0-9) and the new represents the double digit numbers (counting by ten: 10, 20, 30…).

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