Rowdy Ruth – How a Bad Temper Killed a Great Thing For Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth, nom de plume “the Bambino” or “the Sultan of Swat,” had an illustrious career as a starting pitcher for the Boston Red Sox. In 1914 Ruth appeared in five games and pitched in four of them, and in 1915 he won 18 games and drifting eight, peripherally achieving a.315 at bat. In 1916 he had a 23-12 book coming out of the season, gone a 1.75 ERA ad nine shutouts (both league leading stats). The peak of his pitching career came in the 1916 season, wherein Ruth cinched nine shutouts and set a book for lefties that remained intact until 1978. 1917 saying a 24-13 autograph album, 2.01 ERA, and quantity of six shutouts from the Bambino, as adeptly as a.325 batting average (a stat which had been steadily crawling upward past the opening of the legend’s career).

Already, by his third substantive season in major league baseball, Babe Ruth had achieved stats that were completely nothing to sneeze at. Unfortunately for the Red Sox, 1917 was moreover the year of the temper tantrum that contributed to the decision to trade away one of the greatest baseball players of all era. On June 23 Ruth was pitching adjoining the Washington Senators and walked the leadoff hitter, triggering such a answer in Ruth that he was ejected from the game. In agreement, Ruth took a every second at the meet the expense of a ruling and was suspended for ten games, charged $100 (quite a sum promotion subsequently), and infuriated to business a public apology.

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The perch of the play is happening to date to any passing devotee of baseball. In the fall of 1919, after beginning the shift from amazing pitcher to impossibly wonderful hurt, Ruth was sold to the New York Yankees. The decision was based vis–vis the order of Ruth’s demand for a supreme raise that was not financially unfeasible for the Sox, but rather contributive to the general problem of Ruth’s behavior. After owner Harry Frazee gave him to the Yankees, Ruth unexpectedly emerged as an unstoppable slugger, and the Red Sox went without a World Series victory for 86 years.

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