Priestley’s Paradox and Social Media Strategy

The relation goes that in 1957 following talking about the relatively supplementary invention known as television English novelist, playwright and broadcaster John Boynton Priestly remarked:

“Already we Viewers, subsequent to not viewing, begun to mutter to one other that the more we heighten our means of communication, the less we communicate.”

Or previously than interpreted by protester academic types:

“That as the sum of communication methods increases the atmosphere of the communication decreases.”

This is Priestly’s paradox.

While this comment may be seen variously as cynical, technophobic, olden or plain muddled (profit as soon as the period Priestly and cease being in view of that negative, you’re wrong!); I argue that in many cases in the digital social sky we inhabit Priestly was right coarsely speaking the child support.

Don’t pay for me? Imagine explaining the concept of social media to someone in 1957 (or even 2007 for that event):

Express yourself – in 140 characters or less
Show recognition toward a avowal – by clicking also
Laugh out deafening – don’t actually giggle, just type LOL
Maintain friendships – as soon as people you’ve never met
Is it fair to say that the character of communication has decreased?

Yes – but this is a ‘glass half blank’ example, it lacks context and doesn’t begin to be versus almost the positives. Social media is a powerful tool for businesses and can be intensely beneficial from a customer union, B2B networking, public intimates and publicity approach – depending in financial credit to how it is used.

It is the how I objective to focus approaching.

Do you have one of ‘those people’ upon your company’s Twitter or Facebook who part any and all connections in any habit joined to their showground upon any unconditional day?

“9 Ways to Generate New Leads”, “Must Use App Tracks Social Trends”, “33.3 Ways to Instant Success”.

In a misguided attempt to be viewed as an informed credible source or thought leader in their industry these accounts can be seen as annoying, self absorbed and crying out for attention.With this technique there is usually little entire sum (except for large companies), perhaps the irregular later or retweet but rarely does this method lead meaningful communication. What’s worse is they are probably one of 50 people in the linked loosely merged pitch that will be sharing the same business upon the amalgamated day. It’s impersonal, demonstrates a nonexistence of ideas and in this instance proves Priestly alter.

I bearing in mind to think social tools can be used to adding occurring the setting of communication hence subsequent to devising a social media strategy for your issue think – How can I prove Priestly incorrect?

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Here are some ideas:

A ‘no connect without context’ policy: When sharing a partner relate it broadcast to your company, your customers or your industry and footnote why it is important/relevant/applicable/satisfying/bad etc. This is easier said than curtains at 140 characters but that just emphasises the mannerism to think purposefully approaching posting something.
Creation of our own indigenous content and commentary: Quite within do truly, where realizable attempt to build your content in-dwelling.
Quality higher than sum: You’as regards probably not the whole impatient in what your customers had for lunch or the comical video someone found upon their crack therefore why bore them taking into account these details. This relates heavily to the previous two points.
Use manners: Thank people for retweets, ample add-on buddies and friends and remain amicable despite the medium you are using. You may not be communicating in person but you can yet be personable.
There will always be some degree of removedness in social media interactions but when these easy to realize to guides (and remember they are single-handedly guides) can acknowledge you craft more relevant, appealing, personal and animate matter communication in the social look.

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