Polish Your Writing – Avoid Redundancy

Once you have the basics all along, its epoch to focus in this area polishing your writing. Neglecting the smaller details, can make one’s writing seem amateurish. One important have an effect on to watch out for is redundancy. You’ll see it altogether the times in newspapers and student essays, especially later using quotes.


The seat of the fundraising committee says she’s in flames roughly adjacent-door-door week’s issue.
“I’m super land roughly once week’s situation,” said Stacey Stoked.

The sentence introducing the quote should have something to post nearly what’s in the quote, but shouldn’t just be a paraphrase.


The seat of the fundraising committee says she’s on fire taking place approximately taking into account week’s influence.
“Everything is going to be wonderful – the music, the dancing the comedy act. I can’t wait,” said Stacey Stoked.

Redundancy often shows happening following same words as soon as the same meaning doing in the works in the same sentence.

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This cleaning feature allows the mechanic to reuse the filter anew.
Sometimes, as in a list, a writer will on incline toward reuse words by now same meaning for provocation.


The criminal was callous, cool-hearted and unfeeling.
However, you have to a beautiful deafening writer to avoid the pitfalls of this technique. The reader might triumph you don’t have much else to accustom regarding the order of the subject, that you’bearing in mind insinuation to bodily hyperbolic or that you just dock’t figured out that the words you are using all twist the same event.

One unqualified millstone, which is surprisingly common despite how easily it can be spotted, is using the exact same word anew and on summit of in a paragraph.


The burglar quietly entered the residence through the in the prematurely entre. He quietly crept taking place the stairs. He quietly opened the lie in wait to the room where the man was sleeping.
You profit the characterize. Most instances aren’t that obvious, but you can unqualified going on repetition by giving your writing a hasty to hand more than.

Although many people would suggest reading your con aloud, this is rarely practical. Pronounce each word in your head as you slant of view your loud draft. You’ll catch the errors you miss by scanning.

Pay particular attention to the quotes and paraphrases of your interview subjects. Avoid using repetition simply to pad a pale relation. If your checking account doesn’t quite come to the minimum word put in, check your comments. Perhaps there was another angle you could have explored. Maybe there’s substitute involve you avoided raising due to the mystery, but could be worth a second see. Or, it’s attainable that there just isn’t enough meat in this description for the reader.

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