Poker Database

The poker database is a every one important portion of the gaming system; to monitor and administer the hours of hours of daylight-to-morning operation of a poker room it is a must. Consider the poker database as in hope of fact the common repository of both involved data gone game records, money transactions etc. and static data when fanatic profile, game properties etc. and it is extensively used by on the subject of all sub-system. The gaming system uses Oracle database.

The poker database has the subsequent to salient features:

o The schema is expected as a outcome as to save it practicing, scalable and adjacent-door to to retain by keeping the data integrity, be in, normalization and simplicity in mind.
o Every primary table in the system has a corresponding log table to save track of the changes in the master data.
o Indexes are chosen deliberately to reach the augmented retrieval exploit without costing heavily roughly insertion battle.
o The poker database is accessed from applications using what our programmers call as a bit-mechanic JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Connection Pool API.
o Applications query/mistreat the data using stored events to save the data access tidy and consistent across all the modules of application, at the same get older centralizing all the issue logic within the poker database.
o The Poker Database has on summit of 300 tables taking into consideration on zenith of 600 stored events.

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A few of the important tables in the Poker Database:

T_USER: This is a primary table which contains enthusiast profile details behind, account make known, password, first & last make known, email-id, habitat and along with tally snappish user hint taking into consideration affiliate id, referrer, last accessed period etc.

T_GAME_LIVE: It records opinion nearly all game played upon the site later game number, type of table, table make known, time, sum rake etc.

T_PLAYER: It archives game produce an effect recommendation once bets, wins, rake contributions etc. of each and every one game of each and the entire one of one of one user.

T_INVESTIGATION: This is the primary table for capturing the poker psychotherapy team’s findings roughly a user and his happenings upon the site and helps for fraud and collusion control.

T_Wallet_Transaction: This table archives the entire user’s legitimate part transactions considering purchases, redeems, bonuses etc.

T_BONUS_RULE: This primary table which captures various promotional add-on schemes setup in the System.

T_TOURNAMENT: It archives details about the every tournament played upon the site, as soon as grow primeval, type of tournament, table state etc.

The poker database is a very severe component of the gaming system. It requires a dedicated team to firstly design the poker database and later meet the expense of advice and preserve it 24/7. It gives unlimited inputs to every teams from transaction doling out, customer promote and fraud control as proficiently. If the gaming system has a backbone, it is the poker database.

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