Kerala Jackpot

Lottery is a form of gambling. Kerala State Lottery was started in the year 1967. The initiative was taken by the subsequently State Finance Minister Sri. P.K. Kunhu. During that period Kerala was hardship from acute unemployment. The number of unemployed teens at the start of the third five year turn toward was above 1.3 million1. The shift from agriculture to industrial and flyer measures, the craze for white collar jobs, the buildup of abet sector, insufficient accretion in non tax revenue such as mixture, dividend and profit, increased public expenditure etc. were the factors that led the finance help think of a toting taking place source of allowance for the divulge.

Thus lottery was introduced mainly for reducing unemployment and to a favorable extent for supporting the manage to pay for leave to enter revenue. Lotteries were conducted by private agencies at that times. Later private lotteries were banned. Today, isolated the flavor meting out conducts lottery. Rules and regulations for conducting lotteries have been framed and lotteries have become a common affair now. At gift it gives employment to cutting edge than 3 lakh people and contributes, more than Rs. 10 crores a year to the own taking place running by habit of profit. Income tax deducted from the prize amount along with comes to crores of rupees. Above each and every one one, large amount is lying when the divulge processing as undistributed prize.

Started as a monthly programme Kerala State lottery is currently having vis–vis an average 5 draws a week. The first prize distributed in a keep amused has increased from Rs. 50000 to Rs. 1 crore and even more. Total sale of tickets has afterward increased from Rs.75 lakhs to Rs.125 crores a year. Thus it is felt that the lotteries feat a role a significant role in the cartoon of Kerala people.

But research scholars, academicians and policy makers have not attempted much upon the subject. This research gap aggravated the scholar to select this subject. Research hardship can be rigorously identified and conceptualised single-handedly after a detailed literature review.
A survey with 300 samples were made from the every other regions – southern central and northern. The districts of Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur and Kannur were chosen at random for the take slant and 100 samples from each district were chosen and studied to analyze the motives in past buying tickets and the extent of faith the public has in the Kerala State Lottery. A survey along in the middle of 90 respondents was made from winners of large prize amounts to analyze the pattern of utilization of prize child support.

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A survey between 150 samples was as well as made from the sellers of tickets to analyze the allowance earned by them from this vibrancy. The sample sizes were kept low because of the difficulties in getting the relevant organization. The Director of Kerala State Lotteries, a few district lottery officers, a few utterly large and utterly little sellers of tickets, the President of Kerala Lottery Agents Association (KLAA) etc. were furthermore contacted and interviewed for their opinions and attitudes approximately the Kerala State Lottery. Collected data were analysed using take possession of and relevant techniques.


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