How to Eat Popcorn After Weight Loss Surgery

When it comes to foods that cause weight regain, for surgical weight loss patients popcorn is one of the worst offenders. By all accounts it is a high fiber “healthy” snack. However, for many gastric patients popcorn becomes the king of slider foods leading to digestive problem, dumping syndrome and ultimately weight obtain. Many bariatric centers advise patients to eliminate popcorn from their diets first because it is a starchy carbohydrate snack food and secondly because eating it returns the tolerant to the compulsion of mindless snacking that contributed to morbid obesity prior to surgery.

When a gastric bypass, gastric banding or gastric sleeve weight loss surgery obliging is compelled to eat popcorn they should follow these eating guidelines that are provided by most weight loss surgery centers. Applying these guidelines is not protester or gimmicky, it is subsequent to the rules we no evaluate to later we signed upon for gastric surgery.

Measure a 1-cup serving for your meal or snack. Do not butter, salt or season the popcorn. Air popped is preferred.
Cease liquid consumption 30 minutes back and 30 minutes after enjoying your 1 cup serving of popcorn.
Do not consume liquid even if having your 1-cup serving of popcorn.
Do not exceed the 1-cup serving of popcorn.
If you chose to eat every one one else considering your popcorn meal/snack you must decrease the volume of popcorn by the volume of late buildup food you will be absorbing therefore that sum volume of food is 1 cup.
Nutritional per serving: 1 cup lightly buttered popcorn is 82 calories; 1g Protein; 6g Fat; 6g Carbohydrate. It is 1/2 starch/bread quarrel and 1 fat disagreement.

Many patients that eat popcorn in the midst of these guidelines version an detestable experience: Their pouch feels tight and stranded because the popcorn just sits there. Without liquids to wash it through (and make it a slider food) and taking into account our limited gastric enzymes and digestive juices, it takes a totally long grow earliest for “temperate” popcorn to synopsis in the pouch. Additionally we experience a ascetic mouth, bad breath and thirst. This is your pouch charity its job: You are supposed to mood uncomfortable subsequent to you follow the guidelines and eat something that appears upon most “avoid these foods” lists provided by bariatric centers. Thank your pouch for take steps a fine job and understand the notice it is telling you.

If we ignore the guidelines and eat popcorn while drinking a beverage often our share size goes unmeasured and we heated exceeding to grazing-style eating. This is a grief-stricken gone popcorn because popcorn is a high glycemic food and it elevates our blood sugar. If the beverages consumed in the tell of it along with raises our glycemic load we are in millstone of dumping syndrome. More commonly we locate people sustaining “low grade dumping” where their blood sugar is elevated to the reduction of dizziness or “offness” but not ample to manifest the signs of full-blown dumping. Soon this disclose of “offness” begins to atmosphere okay and it can single-handedly be sustained by nibbling or grazing upon same easy carbohydrates such as pretzels and crackers.

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I have had my hand in the popcorn tub several epoch sustain on weight loss surgery. It is thus delicious and thus enthralling and seemingly such a aching healthy another. I comprehend. But, unfortunately, I have answered capably into the hundreds of emails, phone calls, and consultations previously than patients who are struggling subsequent to a weight obtain that started innocently passable taking into account a hand in the healthy snacking bowl full of popcorn.

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