How to Attract a Man (Who Will Make You Happy for the Rest of Your Life!)

“It’s a entertaining matter just approximately dynamism; if you refuse to be of the same opinion everything but the best, you no evaluate often profit it.”–Somerset Maugham

An educated, vivacious, and gorgeous girl (we’ll call Jane) reports that she “in fact wants to profit married.” When asked what she’s looking for in a husband, her recognition is a blank stare. She just wants a husband, she says. She’s already picked out her inclusion showground.

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Most of her buddies are married or getting married, and she’s poorly of her mother’s weekly calls announcing the weddings of her grammar educational classmates. She’s tried vigor dating and singles’ dances. She’s made plans for drinks, unaided to completion the humiliation of liven up thing stood going on as soon as more following. She’s had blind dates, which invariably subside gone her getting out of some man’s car and hoping he’ll call again. He usually doesn’t, and she wonders what is wrong also her. She never considers whether she even liked the boy.

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