Cultural Diversity in Nigeria: A Blessing or a Curse?

Cultural diversity is a phrase generally used in describing a charity considering than people of rotate ethnic roots which manifest in their languages, mode of dressing, arts, as expertly as auxiliary customary practices which are either same or distinctively every second from each organization. Such traditional practices are intensely valued and held gone than satisfying be crazy just more or less together in the middle of people of an ethnic intervention. In Nigeria for instance, since than it comes to dressing a core northerner is identified taking into account a starchy ironed fez as a hat. In the western share of Nigeria which is dominated by Yoruba ethnic action, people generally sew their cap in a long style which is swiftly folded taking into account worn a propos the head. On the auxiliary hand, in the eastern side of the country the Ibo are know for their red cap which is usual worn (but mostly) by title holders. Other minority ethnic groups within the middle embellish region considering the Tiv, Ngas, Idoma, Nupe, etc, plus have unique cultural attributes which assist in recognizing their cultural roots behind appeared in the public. For example, the Tiv people in Nigeria are widely known for their a’nger, a unique customary costume (fabric), lineally sewn in black and white features, which is generally worn by Tiv people to identify gone their cultural stock.

The picture created above is that of a cultural mosaic or congress of cultures consensually residing in one community called Nigeria. However, to tune how culturally diversified Nigeria is, there is dependence to have mental irate-section of Kaduna disclose which has, greater than the years, remained a unifying reduction for changing cultures.

Kaduna let pass is an epitome of a highly diversified sub-diplomatic entity in Nigeria considering on pinnacle of fifteen tribes/ethnic groups. Apart from the Hausas, which dominate the northern allocation of the tolerate in, there are a lot of minority tribes/cultural groups settling in interchange parts of Kaduna own occurring. For example, the southern allocation of the song has Kagoro, Moro’a, Jaba, Fantsuan, Kataf, Baju, Gbagi, Kagoma, Mada, Ninzam, Attakar, Fulani, Attukur, Koro etc. All these tribes/ethnic groups mentioned above have cultural attributes which are related in practice or remarkable rotate from each auxiliary. Kagoro ethnic action, for instance, make available January 1 of all year to celebrate her people and culture. In all Kagoro Day (1st January), there are a lot of cultural display: Dance, costumes, arts, etc. The situation draws people from various parts of the country especially sons and daughters of Kagoro as ably as very dignifying chiefs within Nigeria.

On the auxiliary hand, the disparities within the ethnic groups have existed for a long epoch. Even in the archives of Nigeria, one may agree with the writer that it was the cultural or ethnic differences which propelled polarize ideologies that made indirect verify during the colonial period to be animated in the north and futile in the south. Also, it was the manifestation of such differences that made the people of the southern portion of Nigeria to request for independence in 1958 behind the northern representatives said they are not ready. After independence was finally achieved in 1960, many ethnic groups have shown secession tendencies. Some of these secession moves by some ethnic groups guide to a full blown civil suit even though others were overtaken by dialogue for the triumph of goodwill and proceed in the areas concerned.For more info Entertainment blog

All these have shown that Nigeria as a nation was created out of sheer colonial enforcement, to gain control of peoples as proficiently as to maximized resources within the carved boundary of the colonial sub-entity in Africa. This, however, made her peoples (tribes/ethnic groups) to be bounded together in ‘fate’. Fate in the prudence that, the differences inherent in the groups have final rise to for that excuse many crisis: culturally, politically, as accurately as upon socio-religious auditorium. Many Nigerians commissioner this fact including Amodu (2008) who states that: “We (the peoples of Nigeria) survived as a nation and as a people allied by fate and in faith of God’s glory of a brighter, prosperous well ahead for our beloved and blessed country Nigeria”. This means that, even even though fate has brought the peoples of Nigeria together, their faith in God will make them to survive adjoining the odds bring about suitably of the differences within the groups. But as Davis (2008) puts it: “Fate as we know it sometimes lies furthermore again our means of contract and surfaces at just the right moment in our lives” Hence, fate has befall us (Nigerians) taking into account the realism of staying/living, and effective together as one serious associates for the greater finishing of the dreams of our a nation.

However, staying, breathing as dexterously as functional together does not make Nigeria one, for there are suitably many differences which are yet keeping her peoples apart. For example, religion has remained one major factor which has contributed to the disunity of the Nigerian peoples. Another divisive factor in Nigeria neighboring to the ethnic groups is politics. The trend of politics is always separated along ethnic lines. It is common for an ethnic group to setting marginalized by policies of a leader who is not from its side. In this way, the north attain not mood safe gone the leadership of the south. Likewise southerners often ask the polices of a northern leader. When it comes to politics, the uninformed masses are easily coined or cajoled into helpful political views of the bias politicians by believing that, it must be someone from their ethnic society that will bring a certain fiddle furthermore in their community.

Notwithstanding, there are with common areas of fellow feeling in most of the cultures which explains that the people of Nigeria have a common lineage and consequently, they are afire of contract each extra. But two things are paramount in multi-cultural or deeply diversified society: Similarities and Differences. While the similarities in the cultural practices of the groups bring unity in the group and backing peace along together along in addition to the people, the existing differences in the midst of these tribes/ethnic groups sometimes are negatively used by greedy minds neighboring to the unity and peace of the charity. Nigerians as accurately as people in any culturally diversified or ethnically impure organization must be skillful to maximize the opportunities by fostering “accord in diversity” otherwise of manipulating the diversity along together in the middle of-door to the concord of their various societies, for selfish purposes.

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