Behance Work Experience


The captivating, bold, youthful interiors in Pop Art style immerse you in a bright, noisy, energetic and emotional life! The mission of the Pop Art style is impudent, shocking and shocking! Pop art interiors reflect the rhythm of vibrant modern life, characteristic of creative young people.

The relatively young style of Pop Art spread from England around the world in the 50s and 70s of the twentieth century, finding an answer in the hearts of young people. The ideological content of the style was a protest against any conservatism.

Unlike the strict and understandable canons adopted in the design of living spaces, Pop Art proposed a different layout, full of acid colors, collages, images of celebrities and parodies of advertising. Pop art made it possible to combine many of the things inside that were easily accessible at the time.


The Nobili Design studio offers you to create the interior of the room in the Pop Art style! Thanks to our competence, participation and work, you will become the owner of a space free of stereotypes and patterns! Distinctive features of the Pop Art style in interiors:

contrast of the main background with the filling: textiles, furniture and decor,

smooth shapes

architectural structures: niches, complex ceilings, zonal partitions,

an abundance of mirrors and lighting sources, which create a clean and pleasant atmosphere,

minimalism in furniture and decor,

captivating accents used to cover walls, floors, furniture decorations, textiles: movie frames, cartoon drawings, posters with idol portraits,

the presence of juicy, neon and acid colors, a combination of black and white,

impudent decor,

extraordinary dishes, vases, lamps, pillows,

lack of pretension about the durability of the articles.


Artificial bright colors inside Pop Art “explode” the main white background or close to pastel. The exuberant colors that make up the decor and Pop Art furniture contrast with each other.

It can also be the domination of black and white colors in the color scheme of the interior. Or only the ceiling remains white, and the decoration of the walls is as bright as the furniture, textiles and decorative objects.

Everything is suitable and compatible inside the pop art style: a yellow sofa, soft blue armchairs, a white plastic table and countless photos on the wall – with the domination of a kind of artificial color or lack of accent per se! However, we recommend the Pop Art style in design – comfortably harmonized with our vision to respect the measure and create a holistic image, to maintain comfort.

for more information Behance Work Experience


To decorate the interior walls of Pop Art, they use photo wallpaper, painting, painting in contrasting colors or neutral white. The content of the wallpaper, as well as the mural are images with cartoon characters, movies, cartoons.

Glossy ceilings and floors may or may not focus. Accents are set using colors and patterns that copy the decor of the walls. Typically, the ceiling is created as a multi-level, asymmetrical, with built-in backlight. The tiles are finished with ceramic tiles.

The glossy texture is present throughout the interior of pop art. These are “shiny” synthetics, silk fabrics, polished plastic, glass, rhinestones.


Pop Art interiors are minimalist, so filling the space with furniture should be moderate. The type of Pop art furniture is:

folding or transforming upholstered furniture – until it can be cleaned in a closet,

finishing material – leather, artificial or natural fabric, shiny,

shapes – round, extraordinary, created as silhouettes,

the colors are saturated

the furniture contains specific pop-art decoration – graffiti, drawings of cartoon characters,

as chairs – devices without frames, silk, mats, “pear” chairs, glossy plastic chairs,

small glass tables painted with ornaments,

unmistakable cabinets built into the walls.


Pop Art interiors abound with interesting details and trifles. The elegant atmosphere of Pop Art is created using the following types of decor and accessories:

duplicate motifs that create the effect of a replicated model,

colored textiles

plastic accessories: figurines, vases, fruit bowls, lamps and candlesticks, star photo frames,

extraordinary elements: bright, with a psychedelic pattern, unexpected colors,

handmade products,

avant-garde paintings,

fluffy rugs for relaxing on the floor.

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