Too Much Good Healthy Food Can Kill You

Water is indispensable for moving picture and we dependence to consume it in order to stay healthy but in the tune of too much is taken it is known to slay. That was driven home plus dizziness and unwell feelings have had me involuntarily taking it easy. At era my legs were too muggy and weary to stroll even though my arms feel following they are mammal dragged from their sockets. My only respite has been be in more in the garden past frequent brakes.

During the chilly winter months it is natural to viewpoint to the virtuous-humored leafy green vegetables and the oft promoted super foods. It was once delightful narcissism and joy that my patch sports them copiously. Bok Choy, which grows in view of that quick one can choose leaves undistinguished though it thrives. Kale, which never seems to be a mistreated to add, and spinach, which is my favourite.

From vis–vis the begin of winter they became my staples all night. Knowing the benefit they meet the expense of following their super abundance of severe elements and vitamins a quick burst of heat in the micro-reaction had them ready to eat.

Following the nightly meal, it is a treat to pamper my stomach when yoghurt and blueberries. Delicious and moorish even the cats front going on to lick the plate. Almonds have been marginal staple recommended by dieticians for a healthy gut.

So later all this goodness inside why is my body letting me the length of. Tired aching muscles, nausea feelings and then the dizziness that has often sent me spinning towards a chair.

Doctors, Naturopaths, PT trainers and others all suggested alternating causes. From stones in the ears to a damaged shoulder all was suggested but nothing seemed to fit.

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As a spiritual person it is customary for me to consult the Spirit for answers and they came thick and fast. Looking at the Bok Choy waving its beautiful leaves amidst the added colossal foods it hit me. What is it about that vegetable that could create me not a hundred percent.

It has been then than poisoning whereby my brain becomes cloudy and subsequently my body feels wobbly. Led to the Internet the riddle was soon solved.

While bok choy, kale, spinach, etc. are super foods in the middle of components to block cancer buildup and even prevent diabetes, they contain a high amount of potassium. Symptoms of too much of that element exactly matches mine. Lethargy, nausea, and dizziness are allocation of it. Almond milk and nuts are moreover full of it, as too is milk and optional appendage staples, including eggs.

The danger of an abundance of potassium leads to heart attacks and subsidiary things. The lesson that too much suitable healthy food can actually kill you has been learnt. The Great Spirit has following anew protected me, as it does all who are spiritual. All one needs get is ask it as a buddy for answers and it rarely lets you beside.

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