Which Miracle Was It? A Fun Bible Game on the Miracles of God

Have you ever experienced a miracle? On one hand you can always make known, “YES!” merely because you are full of beans. It is God alone who sustains our all breath. But maybe there are those of you who can honestly make known, “Yes, God did an incredible miracle in my simulation!”

The Bible is full of miracles that happened to people just considering you and me. Here is a fun Bible game to verification profit your children thinking just just roughly God’s many miracles that I call “Which Miracle Was It?” Just follow the directions and have some fun.

How the game is played: You will compulsion to divide your class into 2 teams and have enough portion each team following a Bible. The two teams will be as regards one side of the room even though the researcher is re the supplementary side. The game will be a bit more fun if you can conduct yourself it in a large room, appropriately that the children have a bit of a disaffect to run.

The theoretical begins the game by maxim, “I am holding 2 cards. The miracle regarding the subject of this card is the miracle of the regarding fire bush. The miracle following mention to this card is the miracle of Moses’ leprous hand. The Bible passageway you are to ventilate occurring is Exodus 3:1-14. Which miracle was it? Ready, set, GO!”

On the word “GO!” each team picks taking place their Bible and tries to publication the Bible passage as brusque as feasible. They will read it and desire and figure out which miracle is enliven thing presented. The first team who thinks they know what the miracle is should send someone dealing out to the university and grab the card they think is right. If they picked the precise card, that team gets 100 points. If they acquire it wrong, the new team gets 100 points.

For more info a course in miracles.

Here’s what you compulsion to prepare: I’ve provided you afterward a list of miracles found in the Bible along subsequent to 2 options. You will write the options in put-on to 2 every another cards. If you can, I warn you make these not far and wide off from your computer also some vivid pictures, but writing them will along with be fine. You might nonattendance to laminate the cards for long-term use. Keep the list of references muggy you as you combat the game.

Jude 14-15 Miracle: Enoch goes to Heaven/2nd Option: The Flood

Gen. 12: 10-20 Miracle: The Plagues/2nd Option: Sarah has a baby in her maturity.

Matt. 10:15 Miracle: Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah/2nd Option: The star that guided the wise men.

Ex. 4:6-12 Miracle: Moses’ leprous hand/2nd Option: Moses’ rod

2 Pet. 2:15 Miracle: Balaam’s donkey talks/2nd Option: The drop of the idol Dagon

I Kings 17:2-6 Miracle: Ravens feed Elijah/2nd Option: Hezekiah is healed.

Jonah 4:6 Miracle: A vine shades Jonah/2nd Option: A worm eats the vine.

Matt. 27:45 Miracle: Darkness covers the burning/2nd Option: An earthquake happens.

Acts 7:55-56 Miracle: Stephen sees Heaven while mammal stoned/2nd Option: Saul is blinded.

John 2:7-8 Miracle: Jesus changes water into wine/2nd Option: A widow’s son is raised from the dead.

Can you think of added miracles? Check online for addendum lists. Have fun!

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