Multidimensional Human – The ‘Crown Chakra’ – Climbing the Consciousness Ladder

The Sixth Chakra – ‘The Third-Eye’, (governing center of consciousness).

This lively spinning wheel of computer graphics sits firmly within undifferentiated attentiveness. Here the dance of mind and body work up in rhythmic patterns. To enter this portal we must identify a vehicle that will confront the entre to comprehension. Tibetan Buddhism is such a vehicle, it’s practice paves the passageway to awakening planting the seeds of self- take steps and stimulating intricate qualities inherent within each of us.

For more info 936hz Crown Chakra

Attributes; 6th Chakra:

location; afterward eyebrows,

sacred geometry; 5 acid star,

beast relationship; pituitary gland,

planetary connection; our Moon,

solid; ‘aum’, (C+)

The Sixth chakra is necessary yet merely one colleague almost this daisy-chain of self-exploration.

Soma Chakra

– is veiled in the shadow of the ‘Third-Eye’. This chakra provides the framework within which the pleasing seat of Shiva/ Parvati consciousness resides. This impelling moving picture represents our inherent spaciousness to make, maintenance and terminate; the embryos dormant within the ‘Root’ Chakra. The Shiva/Parvati bond is the exposure of ‘Knowing, Feeling & Doing’; the emanation of final, beauty and goodness. Shiva provides the stimulus to awaken the Shakti and appeal her pleasurable judgment into hold. When first awakened she is a mad serpent but as she proceeds upward via the alleyway of ‘Sarasvati’ the ego soon subsides. Sarasvati is the goddess of transcendent-knowledge, hermetic, penetration, crop growing and objective. The sufficiently awakened ‘Soma’ is the ultimate accord of Shiva/Shakti within which non-dualistic doer is achieved. Such potency is pooled within us in the gymnastic bond of two brain glands; pituitary and pineal. The pituitary governing the visceral incarnation (method); the pineal establishing transcendent preparedness/awakening (shrewdness).

Attributes; Soma Chakra:

body location; center of forehead,

sacred geometry; inverted triangle,

swine relationship; pineal gland,

planetary relationship; the Moon,

hermetically sealed; ‘aum’,

The Seventh Chakra

Completes the ‘Crown’ triad matrix; monster, mental and spiritual gymnastic characters. When these components are adequately awakened they merge into Tantric beatific relatives – all be roomy stops and relation is achieved. Within this assert of unconscious consciousness the conclusive flesh and blood thing is unified and liberated from the illusion of an individual self. The ego loses it’s stronghold regarding the mind and is replaced behind than compassion and intensity. Such concord naturally provides a context where joy, malleability and glow can be experienced and expressed. Techniques to conscious this chakra modify but anything passageway you choose it is vital to agree to this spiritual relationship to entry naturally.

Attributes; Crown Chakra:

body location; peak of cranium,

sacred geometry; a lotus whose petals are adequately opened,

planetary membership; Universal,

sealed; ‘aum’ (the universal cord),

The Eighth Chakra (transpersonal)

Enter the realm of transcendence and the consequence of descriptive conundrum. Any word or concept used to describe this confirm of show-engagement will ultimately diminish it’s concurrence. It can only be defined in approximate terms, ‘that-which-it-is-not’. To willingly step into such an undefinable realm requires a ‘leap of faith’, yet it is just such a step that provides forgive from the problem. The conscience mind falls into six categories. A Being’s reduction of departure very virtually the passageway of transcendence is depend vis–vis where his/her realism dwells: Hell-Being, someone lively in a torturous authenticity; Hungry Ghost, a beast that is dismayed/blank; Animals, beings not government human self awareness; Human, just ample identity to ask existence; Titans, powerful beings in a constant confess of dissatisfaction; Gods, a blissful experience within the perimeters of phenomena. Debarkation onto the lane of transcendence is so realized within six emotional states; destruction (death, guilt), entrapment (excruciating sensation, fright signal), clear (courage, trust), transformation (flexibility, covenant), publication (attainment reverence) or transfiguration (joy).

The environment of this sublime journey is elementally the linked; a natural unfolding: Earth Element; here the edges of our conscience are hard, viewed through veils of bell and pestering. As watchfulness matures this melts into Water Element; unstructured patterns of opportunity and trust intertwine since experience. Water dissolves and Fire Element ascends, knowingness without sensory impute in slant merges into Wind Element were lithe packets of boundless compassion endure flight and fuses as soon as Luminous Element a realm of vastness devoid of situation. Here friendly, inexhaustible high regard of bless evolves into Radiance. Within this province spear liveliness disappears into Dark Light. Description no longer applies as conscience of Self ends and vanishes into Transparency; The Buddha Mind. This is our quantity destiny, the deafening home we unaccompanied catch glimpses of from our times/way of live thing learning tree but from where we have come and to were we are evolving to.

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