Bamboo Dreams by Yang Xiu-Lan and Ouyang Qian

I’ve enjoyed many of the recordings of Chinese classical music I’ve been dexterous to hear.

This one is no exception, but is not at the summit of the list either.

The basic concept was to center this accumulation around the theme of bamboo. The title is not intended just as a poetic image, but to in fact describe the contents.

Do you know about Chinese Musical Instruments Relaxing Music?

All the tracks are similar to bamboo, from “Heart Touching Sound of Bamboo” to “Bamboo Singing in the Moonlight.”

Also, the wind instruments used are made of bamboo, and there are ten kinds used here: di, xiao, sheng, Chinese panpipes, guan-zi, ba-wu, kou-xian, lu-sheng, bamboo leaf and hu-lu-si. Some of these are traditionally Chinese and others come from another ethnic groups.

The two most common are the Chinese bamboo flutes, the di and xiao.

The di is utterly common and popular in Chinese music. It resembles a flute. It comes in two common varieties: the bang-di which is soothing and soft and the qu-di which has a mighty, high-pitched hermetic.

The xiao (or dong-xiao) is usually made of periwinkle bamboo, yellowish-brown withered bamboo or white bamboo. Its sealed is soft and pitched low, and it’s commonly used in concerts.

The sheng is each and every one old-fashioned-fashioned, dating guidance to the in the future years of Chinese civilization. It’s basically a amassing of bamboo flutes of substitute lengths bound together.

Bamboo is contiguously united to music in Chinese. They use the phrase “si zhu” — silk and bamboo — to at the forefront to music and musical instruments.

It’d be charming to know bearing in mind this music was produced. The little pamphlet included subsequently the CD is tiny assertion. One of the producers is antique sufficient to have graduated from scholarly in 1962. Then he went to investigation music at Fujiang’s College of Art – and there his bio stops. During the Cultural Revolution did he spend ten years on the order of speaking the order of a pig farm learning from the peasants? Is this music officially sanctioned by the Chinese Communist Party as it was during Mao’s lifetime? We’not in the estrange off from not told.

The relationship producer, however, is listed as having some credits similar to Buddhism, thus that implies this is a appendix-Mao product (even if the current regime is not clear toward any religion).

The flaw in this buildup is that all the tracks are aiming at producing a atmosphere reflecting the peace and shy of a bamboo grove. They are slow and knocked out. Beautiful in themselves, taken by one by one, but after a though you begin to crave some variety, some contrast.

This is a comfortable CD to pretense as soon as you just longing to lie after that to and melody out. It’s not going to make you begin dancing, but it’s more compelling than the going on to time-fortunate New Age stuff people attain.

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