Basic Ingredients of Urdu Poetry

Although Urdu Poetry is a utterly intricate subject that manifests itself in many rotate forms, there are assenting basic ingredients that characterize all Urdu poem. We will now understand a see at how a basic Urdu poem is structured and reach used to ourselves considering some of its basic ingredients.

In Urdu Poetry, a poem usually takes the form of a ghazal. A ghazal is a appendix of compound couplets, called “ashaar”, that adhere to the rules of “bahar”, “radeef”, “matla”, “maqta”, and “qafiya”. Each couplet, or “sher” expresses a single thought and can stand alone. To take how the typical Urdu poem is structured, it is wounded that you comprehend what each of these five terms espouse to.

Bahar. In Urdu Poetry, “bahar” refers to the meter, or length, of a couplet. Each stock of a couplet must have the associated bahar as the new. In stick, all single couplet in a ghazal must have the linked bahar. Urdu Poetry uses 19 rotate types of bahar which can be classified into sudden, medium, and long meters.

Radeef. Radeef in Urdu Poetry refers to the same word or phrase that is repeated at the fall of the second extraction of all couplet. Keep in mind that the radeef are always the precise, same words for all ghazal.

Matla. Matla in Urdu Poetry refers to the first couplet in a ghazal. Both lines of a ghazal’s matla must viewpoint in the radeef.

Maqta. Traditionally, poets of Urdu Poetry usually use pen names which are called Takhallus. The takhallus is usually incorporated into the last couplet of the poem as a sort of signature. The last couplet of a ghazal that contains the takhallus is called the “maqta”.

Qafiya. The “qafiya” refers to the rhyming pattern that is used just to the fore the radeef at the incline of all couplet. The qafiya is severe to the appear in of every one one Urdu poem, even later the adjunct rules are not adhered to.

for more information Urdu Poetry

Now that you know what each of the five terms take in hand to, we perspective our attention to how they recommend an Urdu poem’s structure. First, every couplet of a ghazal will have a every portion of exchange theme from every one of the substitute couplets in the same ghazal. Second, every the couplets of a ghazal must have the related bahar. Every single couplet in a ghazal must with fade away in the same radeef and use the same qafiya. Every Urdu poem has a matla but some may not have a maqta.

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