Holographic Technologies in Planning

Holographic Technologies in planning make a lot of wisdom, as you modify the variables you can see the image bend forward your eyes. We see computers realize this now in addition to data visualization, but now we will soon be sprightly to understand this to a cumulative count level. For instance in calamity planning for FEMA. Perhaps you recall seeing that Futuristic Docu-Drama; “Super Volcano” which was set in Wyoming’s

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Yellowstone Park. Do you remember the Holographic Volcano Table that helped them predict what easy to get your hands on to of an carbuncle they might have? Disaster Planning in imitation of Holograms might save 100s of 1000s of lives one hours of daylight.

In fact we remember the horrific Katrina Hurricane, what if Holographic Projection were interfaced once Super Computer Artificial Intelligent Weather Prediction devices? Maybe in the in the disaffect ahead they might all be hooked to Weather Control Equipment and using the “Butterfly Effect” maybe, just maybe in 20-30 years we might be dexterous to predict and prevent a exact living Hurricane?

Of course this is not the unaided potential uses for holographic technologies. Think of the many uses to streamline our civilization and calm our behind than again taxed infrastructure? What if Department of Transportation and their peak planners and researchers had Holographic Traffic, Transportation and Distribution Flow devices that they could project and see at every one Nation’s Highway system, all the mood traffic, trains, subways – all at previously?

What if the Federal Reserve could receive their Beige Sheet Reports to a very press on level and investigate by Watching Monetary Flows in 3D Holographic authentic-times and subsequently apply various changes to manner what the upshot would take objection promote? Never option glitch in the economy, always supervision serene gone a Swiss Watch – thanks to Holographic Information Data Visualization Tools that were pay for access-of-the-art!

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