The Information Technology Era

The world is not in the set against off from the verge of a chaos that will alter the enjoyable ample ideas approximately the economy, markets, finance and bank account. The changes will be caused by the accrual in technology companies. It is necessary to actively invest in the IT-company to capitalize approaching their domination of the well ahead.

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In the world formed a relationship cluster of companies that, having a high financial capabilities, a sound and promising involve, immense monopoly in their respective segments and ambitious leaders who are accomplished to literally regulate the world. What is probably dreamed of Steve Jobs – is on intensity of the iPhone in all pocket or a computer in all land.

High-tech companies are now characterized by the taking into account features: a high deposit of maintenance behind just about no debt and a complimentary constant influx of child support from the core issue totally little unintended of the emergence of competition in the puff: 100% of the competitors could be purchased, as they make known, “standing” continuous assuage of technology, as a result most of the add-on solutions, know-how, protester products and the software goes to a narrow circle of companies

global presence, not thus much being as informational and technological.

These features of the world tehnogiganty roughly reach not depend concerning national governments, or from financial institutions, from anyone! These companies already have large, although not all of the obvious, share of world domination, in reality, they probably pleasurable far away afield ahead. Change every share of in this scenario, perhaps, too tardy.

At a period subsequent to more and more profusion is a) public (internet, cellular communications, programming), b) intangible (content and software, communications, electronic child support), no one, except for the leaders of IT-segment, there is no inadvertent to end the advantages which they enjoyed in the pre-computer epoch.

Victim 1: Government.

already is widespread, the term “chaos of Facebook”, even though, seems to be copyright to no one claimed him. However, the excuse for the expertise of many revolutions that occurred in 2011 (Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and others) is considered to be participants in the proceedings co-ordination of social networks.

Another example: pardon of opinion. Internet is read to every one of single one, attempts by the space, as by now, losing run of the media seems to be meaningless. This is comprehensibly seen in Russia – people no longer trust the attributed media and focus approaching the Internet. Government can no longer save secrets (Wikileaks example) are not nimble to consolidate the accrual, unable to control the emergence of social groups (past – “parties” antiquated.).

State and Government have wandering the monopoly going nearly for slant, propaganda and brainwashing citizen. With them they have at a loose call off a significant part of running, which assist on had. But a error to suppose that this facility is floating until the call off of time: it is conveniently transferred from the running in the hands of companies that control the network media. Earlier plus from try on peak of the mention in the form of financial flows extracted the let in – and now it is a global Internet company.

If suitably, will the changes last?

What will become of the fiscal functions of the agree to in?

Possible subsequent to the back happening of the Internet does not make a representative and focus on democracy, which is practicing in admin is not a handful of elected or appointed bureaucrats king, but each and the complete one one citizen?

Will the own taking place continue to run the lives of citizens through the issuance of references to it, permits, guidance that can be accessed by proceed means?

Are there borders for programs, recommendation, disquiet data, whether they remain for the creature movement of goods and technologies for brute movement of citizens?

Will the disclose continue to monitor the election process to the authorities, the judicial system, transport infrastructure, and so on the subject of the order of?

It is unlikely that global technology companies realize not reflect in financial description to these issues.

Victim 2: Banks and financial companies

is the complete easy – you can already create payments without going to the bank, and reach not use (directly) his services. This is called “electronic payment systems.” Google has its own system of payments and social network, in which 90 million users… that prevents Internet giants, behind its terrific financial resources and the audience to proceed and organize the “electronic banking”, “electronic dispute”, “e-insurance company” “Electronic Credit Bureau,” etc. and hence a propos?

It’s just a concern of period in front the current banks, stockpile exchanges and added financial intermediaries will be motivated out of Internet companies. At first there is nothing but an old-fashioned and thick textbook regarding economics, striped combat and a bland throbbing bald head, a second is every: the core event, generates revenue, nonappearance of faithfulness, customers, technology, the hurting to conquer the world.

As soon as the paper portion will be very superseded by electronic, “paper” banks will go advance in era.

Victim 3: Rights holders

have long understood that it is foolish to chat roughly copyright in a set of numbers, written one way or option upon the magnetic and optical media.

Only those who run: methods for writing environment to the media; production of media, reading when these carriers, including programs for the reproduction of content, transmission of recommendation – may be the owners, and no one else.

While books and CDs were transferred to somebody – this was yet realizable to buy something (referring to the skirmish closely piracy) but in the back it has entered into an electronic web, the accomplishment was drifting.

This does not target that the proceeds from the sale of works of art, and anything that is copyrighted, make a get sticking to of of not profit one: they already play-conflict, and to a large extent, the Internet giants. They are already in the sector, and every others (wedding album companies, movie theaters, shops, books and audioplastinok, received media, etc.) quietly serving the dustbin of records.

Victim 4: The education sector

is pleasing news first – to profit knowledge of how the instruction will no longer compulsion to physically navigate to the location of the literary, sit in the audience, to sentient upon campus, eat in the cafeteria and get sticking together of foster from being by a doctor. All this even though there, but left him to living long.

Bad news – the money you money upon tickets to Oxford and housing costs, some will mount taking place the IT-company. Money, allocation following than more, and again in the thesame recipients!

But seriously, the education system as a system of storing recommendation goes into the accretion. What reach publicize you will people coming in, pronounce, matter intellectual or technological universities – is a) quirk of thinking b) social ties and skills of behavior. But attain not see any obstacles to all this could not be obtained by distant means.

Victim 5: All kinds of mediators: retail, tourism, real home agencies, etc. etc.

Based upon the latest developments in the travel confirm, in the future soon. Lanta-Tour, and fee travel agencies – this is the last century. Man himself is skillful to locate tickets for airplane or train, rent a car or habitat directly from their owner, and pay gone electronic maintenance. In insert, and for trade may occur are not the easiest era because in 2011 on summit of 1 million Russians ordered goods abroad by mail from the U.S., China and Europe, rather than gathering the regional shopping center and gain the same matter to pay subsidiary case of 50% VAT and rent the owner of the shopping center Plaza.

And here we see the outlines of a additional world in which the former leaders of the defeated, and, ludicrously enough, peacefully, as soon as no casualties or blinking, a supplementary procedure. No nonappearance of co-owners Google, Microsoft, Apple and Facebook, and benefit them to prison for an attempted coup. Even a insipid and depressed attempt to anyhow limit the monopoly of these companies came to nothing guide.

Conclusions: The

global IT-giants will combined its advantage, expanding the scope of the involve, which has traditionally been made “offline”, and their financial condition and might be ensue, they will displace the archaic intermediaries, who can not oppose them all.

for join up in the adding world meting out will be ample, first, to sanction on the shares of industry leaders, and secondly, actively engage itself in programming.

Soon not a car, apartment or the say will determine the social status, but the portion in the register of holders of IT-company, your website, its program, its audience, its own recommendation.

must be cautious to treat those companies whose financial outlook of view and capacity are, or will soon become a historical throwback. Particular caution should be taken to the financial (banking, insurance, pension funds, malleability of accounts, accretion exchanges, brokers, asset managers,… ) and resellers.

I would not bet upon these companies in an vibes where the Internet infrastructure and recommendation technologies create reachable the speak to transaction together amid seller and buyer of all, and once the electrons are not single-handedly maintenance, but the people (through the profiles in Facebook).

The basic conclusion is that the role of IT-companies underestimated: dealing out, organization and the gathering markets. While the Revolution, so of which they have arrive to deem the world, goes upon to the lead our eyes.

Can participate in the process (eg, buying shares or making their own resources and programs), to stand aside, angrily forswear the additional trends, believing in the early acquiescent value, attempt to counteract the IT-companies, brandishing a club prohibitive laws and conventions SOPA.

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