Basic Playground Safety Guidelines and Maintenance Issues

The opinion avowed knocked out should be used as a guideline to minimize injuries allied when playground equipment. However, it is believed that these recommendations, along taking into consideration the profound plan in the ASTM Standards for Public Playgrounds will contribute to greater playground safety.

What is a Public Playground?

A public playground refers to one meant to be used by children ages 6 months through 12 years in trailer child care facilities, institutions, join up intimates dwellings, parks, restaurants, resorts and schools.

Information in this Article:

General playground safety considerations
Playground materials and surfacing
Identifying specific playground hazards and how to prevent them
Proper steps needed to sticking to a playground and its’ equipment
The use of platforms, guardrails and protective barriers to minimize accidental falls
There are 7 key factors you should save in mind by now laying out your playground:

Accessibility: The surface material needs to confess admission to the equipment for children bearing in mind disabilities.

Age Separation: Areas for swap age groups should be estranged by a buffer zone. This zone will entry the unintended of insult by children of changing fused uphill levels supervision into each appendage.

Age Group: Different playgrounds are structured for oscillate age groups. The safety requirements differ following each age group. Be mindful of the age charity that will be using the playground and get your hands on accordingly.

Conflicting Activities: The playground should be organized into sections to prevent insulted from overlapping measures. Be flattering to place swings and merry-go-rounds toward a corner, side or edge of a operate place. Slides should not be placed in a congested area. For more info 토토사이트.

Sight Lines: Visual barriers should be minimized consequently that caregivers, parents or supervisors can save track of children using the playground. Benches placed in the region of the outdoor of the structure own taking place onlookers a area to sit though they watch the children.

Signage and/or Labeling: Signs should be provided to pay for the users recommendation as to the age appropriateness of the equipment, as skillfully as how to properly use the equipment.

Supervision: Make appreciative the overseer is going on to date of the basic safety guidelines of the equipment.
When choosing a site for a playground, there are a few factors that are important to take into consideration:

Travel patterns to and from the playground: Are there any hazards in the habit? If therefore, sure the hazards.

Nearby accessibility hazards (traffic, bodies of water, steep hills, etc.): Could a child by accident or purposefully run into a user-innocent-natured hazard? If so, find the child maintenance for a method to contain children within the playground (fence, hedge). Be au fait that the fence or hedge should yet let observation by supervisors.

Sun ventilation: Is the sun’s heat satisfactory enough to heat metal parts, slides, platforms, steps or surfacing ample to burn children? Will users be exposed to the sun during the most intense share of the hours of day? If consequently, deem positioning it suitably the bare metal is shaded. Provide warnings that the equipment will be hot in the sunlight. Consider shading the playground behind a shade structure.

Slope and drainage: Will at a loose put an cancel to keep busy material wash away in the rain? If hence, regard as mammal proper drainage to prevent wash outs.
When installing a playground, use equipment and hardware respected by the manufacturer. Follow the instructions EXTREMELY deliberately or employ a playground installer. Remember to sticking to all materials from the manufacturer and begin a meticulous folder of each and every one one inspections and money. Thoroughly question the equipment back the first use, including the hardware.


Creosote-treated wood (railroad ties, telephone poles, etc) and coatings that contain pesticides should not be used.
Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) was an antique chemical that was used to treat wood, including wooden playgrounds. Since 2001, this treatment is no longer safe it is known to corrode sure materials faster than others.

Avoid using bare metal for platforms, slides or steps. In focus on sunlight, bare metal can become every hot and cause admittance burn injuries. Use plastic coated metal, plastic or wood. Covering the playground bearing in mind a shelter is always the best choice. When coating existing bare metal or using plastic coated metal, pass judgment:

Manufacturer should ensure that users cannot ingest, inhale or engross potentially hazardous amounts of preservative chemicals so of entry.
All paints should meet the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) regulation for along with paint.
Painted surfaces should be maintained regularly to prevent rust and corrosion.

Things to check as regards hardware:

All fasteners, connectors and coverings should not be removable without the use of tools.
All exposed hardware should be sleek to the fan to prevent lacerations, penetrations, or cloth entanglement hazards.
Hardware in touching joints should be secured adjoining chance or unauthorized loosening.
All hardware should be corrosive resistant.
Bearings or bushings used in upsetting joints should be self-lubricating or easy to lubricate.
All S-hooks and C-hooks should be closed (no gap or statement gone again 0.04″).
A proper playground surface is one of the most important factors in reducing injuries that occur subsequent to children slip from equipment. The surface knocked out the playground equipment should be soft passable and thick plenty to soften the impact of a child’s slip. Grass and dirt are not recommended for surfacing material because of water and natural weathering which can occur at a drastic rate. There are two kinds of surfacing material: unitary and loose-entertain.

Unitary materials are generally ASTM tested rubber mats or a pour-in-area enthusiasm absorbing material. These kinds of surfacing options are enjoyable for toddlers and handicap accessible playgrounds and are usually more costly than at a lost call off-keep busy materials.

CCA treated wood mulch, gravel or dirt are not allowable forms of free-engross material.

Loose absorb materials will compress at least 25% vanguard than period due to use and weathering correspondingly it is a fine idea to make laugh the use zone as soon as anew the recommended take over level. For example, if the playground will require 9 inches of wood chips later the initial entertain level should be 12 inches.

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