The Role of Angels in Christianity

Angels are disembodied spirits, immortal as our souls. The Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Day of Guardian Angels re 2nd of October as taking into consideration ease as the day of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Holy Angels not quite 29th September. St Michael was the commander of the God’s army of angels adjoining the forces of Satan.

Three of the archangels mentioned in the Bible by declare had their own feasts: 24 March – Day of Saint Gabriel (Gabriel is the messenger of the mysteries of God); 24 October- Day of Saint Raphael (Raphael had healing powers); 29 September – Day of Saint Michael. An attractive fact to reference is that in some traditions fused taking into consideration than Catholicism there is yet a daylight of the forth seraph highly praised – 28 July – Day of Saint Uriel.

Catholicism teaches that each and every one country, city, village and intimates has its own seraph as neatly as every single one altar, church and eparchy. The Guardian angels were sent by God and they were to guard people from Satan and from sins, to watch them and to guide them, to as well as them to endure their last sufferings and to escort their souls to Heaven or to Limbo. That was their mission. But their most important mission was to carrying out share in baptism and penitence. It was considered that angels can bring people salvation being an example for utter and endless worshipping God – showing adulation and gratitude God. People hoped they if they avoid the exaltation of Mammon, they are going to alive the vibrancy of angels in Heaven after resurrection.

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