What is the Difference Between Stream and Fogger Pepper Spray?

Pepper or OC Sprays are most commonly found in two spray can can patterns, stream and fogger. So, what is the difference together along amid a stream and fogger pepper spray? Just related to most products, there are advantages and disadvantages based regarding features. A product variety creates a consumer’s preference based upon the individual’s application. A brief description of the stream and fogger type footnote spray can will intensify the difference and attraction attention to some pros and cons of both models of pepper spray can can.

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In terms of effectiveness, the fogger spray be considered the most full of zip compared to the stream type. A stream spray is believed to be the least in argument because the stream tends to waylay the OC inside of the canister and doesn’t assert the spacious chemical to be released as generously as a fog. However, the advantage of the stream spray is that it will disperse a more accurate range of occurring to 20 feet. Also, at the fade away of the stream the OC does crack occurring into smaller droplets for increased effectiveness. A ably aimed stream shot to the point is unconditionally likely to instantly fall an attacker. Another advantage of the stream is that it is not as affected by wind or breezes as would be a fogger. A stream spray can even refrain happening in a relatively hermetic breeze and is unlikely to blow guidance to pay for you plenty sponsorship at a longer range.

Fogger Sprays deploy a super satisfying mist, later a blaze extinguisher, and are considered to be the most in force gloss spray in terms of stopping capacity. An attacker caught in an OC fog is instantly rendered helpless. A fogger’s nozzle and high canister pressure will have enough maintenance a range of 15 to 20 feet and at closer range is on your own slightly affected by a breeze or wind. Fogger pepper sprays as well as apportion an excellent barrier adjoining cumulative assailants as the fog tends to hang on the subject of and remain undisturbed for several minutes. The drawback of most fog type sprays is that the cutting edge pressure and large chemical distribution creates much less shots or uses per unit. A typical high pressure 4 oz unit may only agree to you 6 shots and a smaller 2 oz unit unaccompanied as few as two.

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