Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura – Could Sugar Be a Contributing Factor to Your ITP Disorder?

Could what you eat put into group your ITP disease? There is a mighty possibility, especially in the proclaim of it comes to Sugar.

If you have just found out you have Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura or have already run the gamut of recognized medical treatments, and have already exhausted some of the options of conventional ITP treatment, deserted to locate that all era you lessen or fall the doses, that your blood platelet levels foundation to tumble anew, have you considered the possibility that most likely sugar could be contributing to this blood sickness, or any adding auto immune illness for that situation.

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If you are actively seeking more knowledge roughly your ITP blood sickness and what might be causing it. Lets have a see at these three forms of sugar substances that can be seriously affecting your health.

Sugar in General – One of the most insidious food culprits known to mankind, and one of everybody’s favorites. Everything just has to be as a outcome satisfying! Unfortunately, we as a organization consume way too much refined sugar. Did you know that the average American consumes a whopping 180 pounds of sugar each year . That’s re 1/2 pound per hours of daylight. When you think approximately it this, it’s by the side of right scary. And did you put it on that many in and uncovered the medical profession believe that sugars, high fructose corn syrup products, and refined carbohydrates are considered to be one of the major contributing factors to most of our enlightened day health issues from obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart sickness and a compilation range of auto immune disorders such as Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Too much sugar in refined and pretentious forms acts as an irritant to our body, causing chronic inflammation and compromises our immune system.

Soft Drinks – Don’t profit me going concerning these worthless beverages. It is now mammal expected throughout the medical and scientific community that we seriously harming our immune system by drinking cola drinks. Not abandoned take effect the chemical food additives such as pretentious flavoring, coloring and preservatives attainment a problem, but because of the totally high sugar content coupled considering than the fact that the sugar used is not just common sugar, but High Fructose Corn Syrup, a single can of soda has been traditional to disrupt the immune system by occurring to 50% for happening to 8 hours. How many soft drinks did you beverage this week? What just roughly your kids? What if you are one of those people who beverage quantity sodas each and all day? This is not courteous. My advice to you is … Do not beverage soft drinks at all especially if you have a compromised immune system and are court exploit an auto immune disease such as ITP. And especially if your ultimate strive for is to be capably!

High Fructose Corn Syrup – Sounds thus good, doesn’t it? You thought I made common sugar out to be a monster, capably the mother of all food monsters is High Fructose Corn Syrup, nom de plume HFCS. This sneaky tiny demon is everywhere and just happens to be one of the most commonly used food additives. Isn’t it lonely just sugar made from corn, you ask? No, No and Absolutely not! HFCS is a man made sugar derived from the fructose in corn (an offshoot of the corn industry). HFCS is instantly absorbed by the body and goes directly into your cells wreaking havoc into the future your metabolism.

This sugar substance has lonely been regarding the scene for nearly the last 40 years or as a outcome and is suspected to be answerable for our current obesity and daibetes epidemic that is prevalent in organization today. But besides these two swiftly known health diseases, it also is liable for acute chronic inflammation in the body and can activate a host of evolve immune diseases such as ITP disorder. In 1970, the annual consumption of HFCS was approaching 10 ounces per person per year and by the year 2000 was now in more than 40% of every one single one sweeteners option to our food and drinks. that is why we are seeing such an press on in campaigner diseases and immune system disorders.

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