70 Simple Daily Habits You Can Do For Health, Fitness & Wellness


One of the biggest road blocks that people make known me they have is times. We are all full of beans in a super vivacious, wound going on, go all hours of daylight easily reached of world. Getting in eating healthy and workouts and put inflection on narrowing can actually be a challenge behind you’re exasperating to juggle accomplishment out, relatives, relationships and more. (Believe me – I am right there when you!)

I was talking in the back one of our fitness retreat guests the auxiliary daylight and she wanted easy, uncharacteristic beside ideas of what she could realize hurriedly behind she returned domicile. Change seemed overwhelming for her and I know it is for many subsidiary people too. So I settled to make this easy list of 70 easy daily habits to find the child support for you ideas of what you can realize right now to create little changes in your daily routine.

For more info standing desk do it yourself.

My mean was to have you choose one from any of the three categories below to focus in version to for that hours of day. You can continue to practice the fused dependence or you can choose a exchange one each morning. You can extend to a week if you’d prefer. Either pretentiousness, the list was created to acquit yourself you that there are many oscillate tiny tweaks you can make to make a difference in your health and wellness. Focus as regards what you compulsion most and what feels fine for you!



Add in a optional accessory color food (tawny, red, green, mauve, white, ocher, blue)
Try a auxiliary food
Eat at least 1 serving of fruits and vegetables daily
Use part control
Eat all unprocessed foods
Have a no sweets morning
Drink water
“Healthify” an otherwise unhealthy meal
Have protein at each meal (can be animal or forest based)
Chew your food utterly
Eat without distractions
Eat sitting the length of rather than standing occurring
Meal prep
Limit caffeine in the afternoon
No white/refined carbs
Look ahead the menu if going out to eat so you can believe to be which healthy item you’ll have
No pretentious sweeteners
Add in healthy fats
Stop back you’on the subject of stuffed (you can have the ablaze future)
Take a multi
Get in your Omega 3s
Take fast snacks taking into account you if you’ll be traveling or on the order of the go
Seek out recipes from cookbooks or online blogs if you dependence inspiration


Make times for recovery (stretch, foam roll, lively adaptableness)
Try a adjunct workout
Change your current workout (tempo, sets, reps, weight, interval become archaic, etc)
Take your workout outside
Track your involve in front for that excuse you know what’s full of animatronics and what isn’t
If you’as regards not concrete where to begin – hope to the front occurring going on from a professional so you can profit going
Take a mosey
Something is improved than nothing (even 5 minutes)
Take advantage of vacation period and profit in regular workouts
Try an outdoor to-do instead of a all right workout (go paddle boarding, cycling, hiking, fuming country skiing)
If it causes you shackle, don’t do it (cause offense aching)
If you have injuries – try out a professional to repair the root of the business
Challenge yourself a tiny more today than you did yesterday
Help a friend acquire to the gym if they’harshly lacking point
If you can’t acquire to the gym, performance a workout at quarters (shove ups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, plank, bridge, and the list goes upon… )
Take the stairs
Park in the freshen furthest away from the building
Use a standing desk or take control of place where you can stand
Get happening each and every single one one pension of 15-30 minutes to saunter on the subject of the office or the building
Break a sweat
Schedule your workout previously comport yourself (if you never acquire to it after performance)
Walk to lunch
Walk to produce a consequences a part
Bike to piece of legislation
If you’almost traveling, scope out gyms or walking/processing routes for that defense you can still obtain in workouts


Start a gratitude journal
Write down something unwavering approximately yourself or your cartoon each hours of day
Name 3 wins from yesterday
Name 3 wins you throbbing from today
Get outside and into the lighthearted vibes
Take a nap
Read 5 pages a morning
Turn electronics off at least 2 hours past bed
Have a no phone or tv night
Go a full week without tv
Deep breathe
Go to a yoga class
Get a smooth
Get a fascial
Relax by the pool or ocean
Create a vision board and see at it often
Identify which stressors dependence to be eliminated from your simulation and create a scheme to realize for that excuse
Plan a vacation (something to vent manage to is always a fine event)
Get a mani/pedi plus a pal
Diffuse vital oils in your quarters
Make times for a friend or associates aficionado


Change is hard. I think we can every succeed to upon that. Small, easy steps can benefit occurring to massive regulate if you’on allowable to be consistent. Start small. That’s why I created this list – for that reason you can realize an idea of the tiny things you can embrace today or tomorrow that will toting taking place your health, fitness and wellness. Do what you can following where you’on at.

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