7 Goof Ups Sales People Make While Receiving a Business Card From Clients

I have seen sales professionals taking a lot of care though extending their issue cards. But, they miss out going coarsely speaking for some basics subsequently it comes to receiving matter cards elongated to them. Here are some timeless goof ups and what you may make a obtain of not quite them:

1. Receiving the card sitting furthermore to, like the new person hands it to you standing:

This must go down as the number one error sales people make. Always receive a card at the linked level. Remember, a card is the identity of a person. There are far afield away more sensitivities full of zip than what you might imagine.

2. Shoving the card inside your pocket once it is elongated:

You daub it in, following you ask “What is your designation?”, as soon as the hint is written in bold letters regarding the card.

3. Using your client’s matter card to recognize meeting notes:

Nothing looks more unprofessional than using the matter card just elongated by someone to doodle or scribble some phone number. I have seen people using client visiting cards as bookmarks for diaries. Imagine the easy to get your hands on to of space it creates.

4. Abandoning the card going regarding for table though renunciation the meeting:

Abandoning the card unadulterated by someone is linked to axiom, “Your card is not important plenty for me to carry”. Keep the card in a photo album in front you leave the meeting.

5. Tucking your visiting card deadened the glass sheet of client’s desk to put taking place to him recall you:

I have seen some sales people reach this. I don’t know about whether this ‘technique’ helps your client to recall your say, but it each and every one makes your client mood that you are desperate. Remember, it is the value you grow to the customer that makes him recall your proclaim, and not the card that you tuck under the glass.

6. Giving a missed call to the customer later than he gives you his card, to calm going on him remember:

This is substitute tacky ‘technique’ followed by some desperate sales people. If your client wants to note your number, he will surely do something as a upshot by finding the recommendation from your event card. You cannot force your mannerism through any sale.

7. Not extending your card in recompense, after receiving a issue card from someone:

It is not just a common courtesy to extend your card upon receiving a card from someone, but is with an on the go exaggeration to build dealings. Never create the error of government out of involve cards. Keep some cards as ‘unfriendliness’ in your billfold – if your matter card skirmish gets exhausted.

Keep these points in mind the neighboring epoch you visit your clients.

Happy selling and glad presenting!

This article is contributed by M.S.Ramgopal who owns BuyAPresentation.com and Metamorph Training. He has well along than 15+ years experience in Sales, Sales Management, Training and Strategy. He runs signature workshops upon Presentation Skills especially for Sales Managers and Trainers.Do you know about classic touring?

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